Обсуждение: Problems getting a usable pgsql 6.4 on irix 6.3


Problems getting a usable pgsql 6.4 on irix 6.3

"Ben S."
First, of course, thanks for all the work on postgresql.

I've been using 6.3 on two SGI O2's (irix 6.3) for a about six
months.  I tried to make 6.4, and came across bunches of errors,
not in the build, but in making a new database on it, and running
the regression tests.

Like 6.3, I fixed up backend/Makefile, and compiled with CC -n32 and 
LD -n32.  When I try make a simple view (which worked on 6.3) I get
"ERROR:  cannot create v_story_info".  The select query, entered
as just query, does work.

create view
v_story_info as select   stories.story_id, is_current, pub_date,   size, paper_page, grouping_id,   slug, headline,
subhead,  dateline, series.series_id, series_name,   ed_note, correction, summary
from   stories, series, story_attrib
where   story_attrib.story_id = stories.story_id and   series.series_id = stories.grouping_id

I think there are several other errors in the regression tests,
but I'm still sorting through which errors are trivial.  The SELECT
DISTINCT seems to fetch no rows.  If there's no other volunteer,
I'll make an output file for the distribution, if I can get postgres
working.  :)

Thanks for any help, or any places to start looking for a cure.

Here is some of the regression output:

*** expected/create_type.out    Tue Apr 22 12:33:34 1997
--- results/create_type.out Wed Nov 25 01:25:56 1998
*** 4,9 ****
--- 4,10 ----    output = widget_out,    alignment = double );
+ ERROR:  TypeCreate: function 'widget_in(opaque)' does not exist QUERY: CREATE TYPE city_budget (    internallength =
16,   input = int44in,
   for each row   execute procedure   check_primary_key ('fkey1', 'fkey2', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function check_primary_key () does not exist

+ ERROR:  CreateTrigger: function funny_dup17 () does not exist

*** expected/create_view.out    Sun Apr  6 00:05:32 1997
--- results/create_view.out Wed Nov 25 01:26:24 1998
*** 7,12 ****                               
--- 7,13 ----                                  interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit    FROM ihighway ih, ramp r
              WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath;         
+ ERROR:  No such function 'interpt_pp' with the specified attributes QUERY: CREATE VIEW toyemp AS
SELECTname, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal    FROM emp;                              

In results/select.out, one of many: QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.stringu1     WHERE onek.unique1 < 20
    ORDER BY unique1 using >;               unique1|stringu1                           -------+--------
! (0 rows)