Обсуждение: too many ANDs ?


too many ANDs ?

Sferacarta Software
Hi all,

The following query abort the backend:

SELECT customer.name, reservation.rno, hotel.name      FROM customer, reservation, hotel      WHERE customer.name =
'Porter'      AND customer.cno = reservation.cno       AND reservation.hno = hotel.hno;
ERROR:  cannot create temp_39296

- the first time it gives me this message:   ERROR:  cannot create temp_NUMBER

- the second time it gives me this message:

pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.       This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
beforeor while
processing the request.
We have lost the connection to the backend, so further processing is impossible.

Here the tables structure and data:

Table    = customer
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| cno                              | int4                             |     4 |
| title                            | char()                           |     8 |
| state                            | char()                           |     4 |
| zip                              | int2                             |     2 |
| city                             | varchar()                        |     0 |
| firstname                        | char()                           |     7 |
| name                             | char()                           |     8 |
| account                          | float8                           |     8 |
select * from customer;cno|title   |state| zip|city    |firstname|name    |account
3391|Mr      |NY   |9001|New York|Joseph   |Porter  |     50
3395|Mr      |CH   |9001|Chicago |Albert   |Keen    |     10
3396|Mrs     |DA   |9024|Dallas  |Joe      |Nook    |     60
(3 rows)

Table    = reservation
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| cno                              | int4                             |     4 |
| rno                              | int4                             |     4 |
| hno                              | int4                             |     4 |
| arrival                          | date                             |     4 |
| departure                        | date                             |     4 |
select * from reservation;cno|rno|hno|   arrival| departure
3391|  2|  1|1995-12-04|1995-12-31
3395|  3|  2|1997-11-04|1997-12-31
3396|  4|  3|1996-12-14|1996-12-31
(3 rows)

Table    = hotel
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| hno                              | int4                             |     4 |
| name                             | varchar()                        |     0 |
| city                             | varchar()                        |     0 |
select * from hotel;
hno|name    |city
---+--------+-------- 1|Sheraton|Chicago 2|Hilton  |New York 3|Ritz    |Dallas
(3 rows)            
Any ideas?
