Обсуждение: RE: [HACKERS] for row in select loop question


RE: [HACKERS] for row in select loop question

Michael Davis
Thanks.  Declaring row as a record did the trick.  I have a lot of tables
and I am looking to more deeply understand the PostgreSQL security module.  
-----Original Message-----From:    jwieck@debis.com [SMTP:jwieck@debis.com]Sent:    Friday, March 05, 1999 3:00 AMTo:
Michael DavisCc:    hackers@postgreSQL.orgSubject:    Re: [HACKERS] for row in select loop question
>> The following function does not work:>> CREATE FUNCTION InstallPermissions(varchar, varchar) RETURNS int2
AS '>    DECLARE>         options ALIAS FOR $1;>         username ALIAS FOR $2;> BEGIN>    FOR row IN select * from
pg_tablesLOOP>           REVOKE ALL ON row.tablename FROM username;>           GRANT options on row.tablename TO
username;>   END LOOP;>    return 0;>  END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';>> "select InstallPermissions('test1', 'test2);"
returnsan error at
"select".> Any suggestions on how to eliminate the error?
    First you forgot to declare 'row'. Could be type record.
    Second  REVOKE and GRANT are utility statements not supported    for prepared SPI plans and  thus  PL/pgSQL
currently cannot    execute them.


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##======================================== jwieck@debis.com (Jan
Wieck) #