Обсуждение: Re: [COMMITTERS] 'pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref lock.sgml set.sgml'


Re: [COMMITTERS] 'pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref lock.sgml set.sgml'

Thomas Lockhart
> Modified Files:
>         lock.sgml set.sgml
> Log Message:
> Add input parameters for LOCK TABLE. Still needs explanation from Vadim.
> Fix markup.

I've fixed the markup on these files so they will build cleanly. Also,
I've augmented the "Inputs" area for the new locking parameters, so
perhaps Vadim can just insert his explanations.

There is only one hardcopy doc left to do, but the User's Guide is a
310 page sucker so will take me at least two or three hours to polish
for hardcopy (probably a couple of days elapsed time). I won't be able
to start until after the weekend, so if Vadim can write something in
the next two days I'll get a start on it Monday.

The html docs are built automatically each night, so after the build
tonight you should be seeing something close to the final version on
the web site and in the /pub/doc tar files. Let me know if anyone sees
any funny business with them...
                    - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart                lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California