Обсуждение: pygres/python installation


pygres/python installation

Thomas Lockhart
I'm trying to do some Linux rpms for the v6.5 release, and want to
include more interfaces than RH has done in the past. The pygres
installation instructions make no sense to me. There is a mention of a
"make redhat", but no Makefile, and a mention of "building python",
which is already on my system. Can anyone lead me through what
*really* needs to be done? I'm guessing that README.linux is out of
date, but don't know enough to be sure...
                     - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart                lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California

Re: [HACKERS] pygres/python installation

"Oliver Elphick"
Thomas Lockhart wrote: >I'm trying to do some Linux rpms for the v6.5 release, and want to >include more interfaces
thanRH has done in the past. The pygres >installation instructions make no sense to me. There is a mention of a >"make
redhat",but no Makefile, and a mention of "building python", >which is already on my system. Can anyone lead me through
what>*really* needs to be done? I'm guessing that README.linux is out of >date, but don't know enough to be sure...

I believe it is.

Here are the instructions I use for building Pygresql for the Debian
distribution, which I put together after asking for help on Debian lists:

build-python:  cd src/interfaces/python && \     cp /usr/lib/python1.5/config/Makefile.pre.in `pwd`  cd
src/interfaces/python&& \     echo *shared* > Setup  cd src/interfaces/python && \     echo _pg pgmodule.c
-I../../include-I../libpq \        -L../libpq -lpq -lcrypt \        >> Setup  cd src/interfaces/python && \     $(MAKE)
-fMakefile.pre.in boot  cd src/interfaces/python && \     $(MAKE)  touch build-python

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