Обсуждение: Array-fields and many-to-many relations


Array-fields and many-to-many relations

Hy all!

I posted this mail on the general and sql mailing-list, but I got no
aswer, so I try to post it here;
if the question is bad-explained, please ask me more details...

I want to make a many-to-many relation on my db, and I would like to use

an array-field of the external keys...
This is what I whoul like to create:

CREATE TABLE Groups(   IDGroup             SERIAL,  -- Primary key   ...

CREATE TABLE Customers(   IDGroups             INT4[],  -- Multiple foreign keys   ...

SELECT Customers.* FROM Customers WHERE IDSearchedGroup IN

IDSearchedGruop is obviously a parameter.

Well, this query doesn't work because in the SELECT ... the operator
"IN" can work only on subselect, not on array... how can I check if an
element belongs to an array or not? Performance are not critical,
because I have few groups for each Customer...

Yes, I know that the common way to make many-to-many relations is adding

a support table... but I don't like the conventional solution to this
problem... any ideas???


Re: [HACKERS] Array-fields and many-to-many relations

Tom Lane
Alke <alke@iol.it> writes:
> Well, this query doesn't work because in the SELECT ... the operator
> "IN" can work only on subselect, not on array... how can I check if an
> element belongs to an array or not?

contrib/array has a slightly ugly solution to your problem.
        regards, tom lane