I downloaded and built PostgreSQL on my Sparc2 running RedHat 6.0 (I've
done this before on my RH 6.0 x86 box). The compile/installation went fine.
When the system comes up it starts the DB using the contrib/linux init
script. When I su to postgres and try to create a user or database the system
just hangs there. I turned on debugging and checked the logs. The last
line of the logs, before the pause, is "InitPostgres." At this point the postmaster starts eating up cpu cycles
(about75% to
80%). Everything grinds to a halt. I havn't let the process continue
because this takes but a few seconds on my intel box. I havn't let this
"InitPostgres" process complete as it doesn't seem like it's ever going to
Anyone have any insight into this problem?