Обсуждение: Another RI question


Another RI question

wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck)
Me again,

    I'm  just collecting info's for later. What I need to know is
    how PK/FK constraints are defined in the standard.

    Is it ALLWAYS the case, that a FK constraint refers to the PK
    of  another  table?  Or could arbitraty attributes of another
    table be referenced by a FK too?

    Is it guaranteed that I find the PK  definition  of  a  table
    allways in the index <tablename>_pkey? If so it would be nice
    to ensure that an index with that name  created  manually  is
    defined  unique and/or cannot be created/dropped explicitly -
    this is important for RI.

    Another (my preferred) way would be to name the automatically
    created  PK  index  something like "pg_pkey_<tableoid>". This
    would have the advantage that we never run  out  of  32  char
    limit on name and that the user cannot create/drop this index
    by hand.



# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck) #