Обсуждение: Another historical message from the early days of PostgreSQL development


Another historical message from the early days of PostgreSQL development

bruc@stone.congenomics.com (Robert E. Bruccoleri)
| Robert E. Bruccoleri, Ph.D.      | Phone: 609 737 6383                |
| President, Congenomics, Inc.     | Fax:   609 737 7528                |
| 114 W. Franklin Ave, Suite K1,10 | email: bruc@acm.org                |
| P.O. Box 314                     | URL:   http://www.congen.com/~bruc |
| Pennington, NJ 08534             |                                    |


    Awhile back, there was talk of a TODO list and development
moving forward on Postgres95...at which point in time I volunteered
to put up a cvs archive and sup server so that making updates (and getting
at the "newest source code") was easier to do...

    So far as I can see on the list itself, this has fallen to the wayside,
with everyone posting about database corruptions and whatnot...but few
solutions being brought up :(  right now, I'm in the middle of cursing over
the fact that I can't seem to get a project I'm working on to be stable on
either a Solaris box or a FreeBSD box (the FreeBSD box is th emore stable of
the two, mind you)...I've just rebuilt the FreeBSD server...

    Personally, I think that both Jolly and Andrew have done a fantastic
job of bringing it to its currently level, but they, like most of the ppl on
this list, have full time jobs that sap alot of their time...

    ...so, unless someone out there has already done this, and
unless Jolly/Andrew tell me I can't (guys?)...I'm going to go ahead with
what I wanted to do a few months ago...setup a development site similar to
what is done with FreeBSD...

    First stage will be to get a cvs archive of postgres 1.01 online
tonight, with a sup server so that everyone has access to the source code.

    If anyone has any patches they wish to submit based off of 1.01,
please send them to postgres@ki.net and I'll commit those in as soon as cvs
is up and running.

    Unless there are any disaggremenets with this (or someone else has
done this that I missed in mail...sorry if I did...)...I'll send out further
data on this as soon as its up and running...

Marc G. Fournier                                  scrappy@ki.net
Systems Administrator @ ki.net               scrappy@freebsd.org

Re: [HACKERS] Another historical message from the early days of PostgreSQL development

Vadim Mikheev
"Robert E. Bruccoleri" wrote:
> Subject: [PG95]: Developers interested in improving PG95?
> Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 22:12:19 -0400 (EDT)            ^^^^^^^^^^^
Let's consider this as birthday of our project?
