Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] users in Postgresql


Re: [GENERAL] users in Postgresql

Peter Eisentraut
On 1999-11-02, Bruce Momjian mentioned:

> CREATE USER sql command updates the file, but an UPDATE on pg_shadow
> does not.

How about INSERT INTO pg_shadow? Or how do you judge the following excerpt
from the createuser script:

QUERY="insert into pg_shadow \       (usename, usesysid, usecreatedb, usetrace, usesuper, usecatupd) \      values \
   ('$NEWUSER', $SYSID, '$CANCREATE', 'f', '$CANADDUSER','f')"

Fortunately (perhaps), I am getting rid of this as we're speaking. The one
feature the createuser script has over the CREATE USER "SQL" command is
that you can pick your system ID. Ignoring the question whether or not
this has any real purpose, it seems this is almost like rolling dice since
you cannot ever reliably change that later. (And I'm not even talking
about the fact that the sysid is a primary key and there is no referential
integrity enforced.)

So is anyone strictly opposed to yanking that feature? And perhaps
removing all references to user sysids in the (user) documentation?

Peter Eisentraut                  Sernanders vaeg 10:115
peter_e@gmx.net                   75262 Uppsala
http://yi.org/peter-e/            Sweden