Обсуждение: Slow access


Slow access

Tyson Oswald
Hello,   Not sure is this is the place for this but,   I have two object
created a table (customers) and a view cust which joins customers and
cust runs pretty slow when select count(*) from cust.  I think it may be
an index issue, can anyone help?  there are about 1200 records in
customers and it takes about 30 seconds to count(*).  Also how to I
create a foreign key constraint?

Tyson Oswald

Create table Customers       (       id              serial,       Name            varchar(25),       UID
varchar(7),      Ext             char(4),       fkMailcode      int4,       fkContext       int4,       fkServer
int4,      fkAdmin         int4       );

drop index idx_Customers_fkAdmin;
drop index idx_Customers_fkMailcode;
drop index idx_Customers_fkServer;
drop index idx_Customers_fkContext;

Create index idx_Customers_fkAdmin on Customers(fkadmin);
Create index idx_Customers_fkMailcode on Customers(fkMailcode);
Create index idx_Customers_fkContext on Customers(fkContext);
Create index idx_Customers_fkServer on Customers(fkServer);

Create table Codes(id serial,description varchar(50),type varchar(5),typecode varchar(5));
create view cust asselect c.name, c.ext, c.uid, tmail.description as mail, tcontext.description as context,
tserver.descriptionas server, admins.name as admin, c.idfrom customers c, codes tmail, codes tserver, codes tcontext,
adminswherec.fkadmin=admins.id and c.fkmailcode = tmail.id and c.fkcontext = tcontext.id and c.fkserver = tserver.id;