Обсуждение: Hmm, almost-a-Y2K-bug in abstime regression test


Hmm, almost-a-Y2K-bug in abstime regression test

Tom Lane
It's not exactly a Y2K bug, because it started to fail at Dec 30 1999
23:00:00, your local time.  Nonetheless, the abstime regression test
is now showing a "failure".  It's not a code bug --- it's that the test
includes a query whose results depend on whether current time is before
or after 12-30-1999.  Boo hiss.

Probably the best answer is to leave the test script alone and change
the expected output.  Thomas, do you have a different opinion?
        regards, tom lane

Re: [HACKERS] Hmm, almost-a-Y2K-bug in abstime regression test

Thomas Lockhart
> It's not exactly a Y2K bug, because it started to fail at Dec 30 1999
> 23:00:00, your local time.  Nonetheless, the abstime regression test
> is now showing a "failure".  It's not a code bug --- it's that the test
> includes a query whose results depend on whether current time is before
> or after 12-30-1999.  Boo hiss.

Ah, those short-sighted coders back in 1986 didn't even think about
Y2K coming along.

> Probably the best answer is to leave the test script alone and change
> the expected output.  Thomas, do you have a different opinion?

Hmm. That's probably the right thing to do, but it just propagates the
poor form of expecting the system clock on a test machine to always be
set to something after the time the regression test was written. I
might reformulate the queries to reduce the dependency on current
time, assuming that we don't lose some of the testing space while
doing it...
                    - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart                lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu
South Pasadena, California