Обсуждение: btree: failed to add item to


btree: failed to add item to

"Adam Walczykiewicz"
This message was sent from Geocrawler.com by "Adam Walczykiewicz" <adam.walczykiewicz@multiuser.com.pl>
Be sure to reply to that address.


I've tried to create function in plpgsql in 
postgresql 6.5 (on Linux Suse 6.2).
: i file.pl
In response I got on the screen an error message :
"gReadData()-- backend closed the channel 
I was back in shell.
In /var/lib/pgsql/pgserver.log I saw :
FATAL1 : btree: failed to add item to the page
The next thing I did was to cut some last 3 lines 
(those beginning with substr(...))
And I run again
: i file.pl
In response I got again on the screen an error 
message :
"gReadData()-- backend closed the channel 
I was back in shell.
In /var/lib/pgsql/pgserver.log I saw :
FATAL1 : my bits moved right off to the end of 
the world!
After all of it I cut some more lines (I thougt 
that the function was
to long to write it down in pg_proc).
And execute once again:
: i file.pl
and it works.
Next I add some more lines and start again to 
create this function and
it failed again with the same effects. 

Why it hapenned?? What can I do to solve that 
Thanks for any help!!!!
Adam Walczykiewicz 

drop function insklient(text);
create function insklient(text) returns text as '
kl_wa klient.wa%TYPE;
kl_typk klient.typk%TYPE;
kl_czas_od_ob klient.czas_od_ob%TYPE;
kl_plec klient.plec%TYPE;
kl_nazwisko klient.nazwisko%TYPE;
kl_imie klient.imie%TYPE;
kl_imied klient.imied%TYPE;
kl_pesel klient.pesel%TYPE;
kl_nip klient.nip%TYPE;
kl_i_ojca klient.i_ojca%TYPE;
kl_nazwisko_r klient.nazwisko_r%TYPE;
kl_data_ur klient.data_ur%TYPE;
kl_tel_dom klient.tel_dom%TYPE;
kl_kod_p klient.kod_p%TYPE;
kl_miasto klient.miasto%TYPE;
kl_ulica klient.ulica%TYPE;
kl_kr_tel klient.kr_tel%TYPE;
kl_kr_kod_p klient.kr_kod_p%TYPE;
kl_kr_miasto klient.kr_miasto%TYPE;
kl_kr_ulica klient.kr_ulica%TYPE;
kl_tel_pr klient.tel_pr%TYPE;
kl_nzprac klient.nzprac%TYPE;
kl_zp_kod klient.zp_kod_p%TYPE;
kl_zp_miasto klient.zp_miasto%TYPE;
kl_zp_ulica klient.zp_ulica%TYPE;
kl_uwagi1 klient.uwagi1%TYPE;
kl_uwagi2 klient.uwagi2%TYPE;
str text;
kl_serial int4;
begin--str := $1;kl_wa := substr(str,1,textpos(str,'','')-
1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_typk := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_czas_od_ob := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_plec := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_nazwisko := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_imie := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_imied := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_pesel := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_nip := substr(str,1,textpos(str,'','')-
1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_i_ojca := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_nazwisko_r := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_data_ur := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_tel_dom := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_kod_p := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_miasto := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_ulica := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')+1);kl_kr_tel := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')-1);kl_kr_miasto :=
(str,'','')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,'','')-1);kl_kr_ulica := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);kl_tel_pr := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,'','')-1);return ''rrrr'';
' language 'plpgsql';

After executing that file (so similar to file.1 
but shorter) the function
was created without any errors. I did it again  
and it works.
-- wywolanie select ia('W^45^34');
drop function insdokument(text);
CREATE FUNCTION insdokument(text) RETURNS int4 
AS '
dok_wa dokument.wa%TYPE;
dok_nrk dokument.nrk%TYPE;
dok_rodzaj dokument.rodzaj%TYPE;
dok_seria dokument.seria%TYPE;
dok_numer dokument.numer%TYPE;
dok_uwagi1 dokument.uwagi1%TYPE;
dok_uwagi2 dokument.uwagi2%TYPE;
str text;
dok_serial int4;
beginstr := $1;dok_wa := substr(str,1,textpos(str,''^'')-
1); str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_nrk := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_rodzaj := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_seria := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_numer := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_uwagi1 := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);dok_uwagi2 := substr(str,1,textpos
(str,''^'')-1);str := substr(str,textpos(str,''^'')+1);insert into dokument
(wa,nrk,rodzaj,seria,numer,uwagi1,uwagi2) values
_uwagi1,dok_uwagi2);select last_value into dok_serial from 
dokument_nr_seq;return dok_serial;
' language 'plpgsql';

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Re: [HACKERS] btree: failed to add item to

Jan Wieck
Adam Walczykiewicz wrote:

> Hi!
> I've tried to create function in plpgsql in
>  [...]
> FATAL1 : my bits moved right off to the end of
> the world!
> After all of it I cut some more lines (I thougt
> that the function was
> to long to write it down in pg_proc).
> And execute once again:
> : i file.pl
> and it works.
    Surely you ran into the pg_proc_prosrc_index problem with it.
    This is fixed in the CURRENT tree. I've placed the patch against v6.5.2 onto the FTP server now.    Grab it from




# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#========================================= wieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck) #

Re: [HACKERS] btree: failed to add item to

Tom Lane
Adam, I think you are running into the same problem with overly large
procedure definitions that's been discussed here recently.  In 6.5.*
it's not safe to create a procedure def that's more than 2700 bytes.
Workaround: split your code into smaller functions.

7.0 will be better...
        regards, tom lane