Обсуждение: [HACK]-[INTERFACE] jdbc/postgresql.jar execution errors


[HACK]-[INTERFACE] jdbc/postgresql.jar execution errors

"Allan Huffman"

We are having some trouble getting an applet that accesses PostgreSQL to
run under Netscape.  The following is a present status summary:

If anyone can help it would be really terrific!

When executing the applet, the Netscape web server logs shows
connections or calls being made to different classes and jar files.  The
postgresql.jar file is found correctly through the classpath (identified
in the web server start file in /Netscape/Suitespot/https-default/start
ref the classpath), but, it then seems to look for errors.class,
errors_EN.class, and errors_EN_US.class, none of which can be found.  We
expanded the postgresql.jar file, and those classes weren't part of the
tree either.
   This appears to be either -       For some reason normal classes (not part of the postgres
package) are being looked for as sub-classes in the postgres set   OR       Those classes are meant to be postgres
errorclasses that
weren't compiled or included in the postgresql.jar file.   Then again,
after looking at the README and Makefiles for the postgresql.jar file,
we would tend to agree that the file is being built with all the classes
normally needed.  We also looked at http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/
(faq), and it seems to suggest that building the jar file with the right
classes for postgresql is fairly straightforward.   Hmmmm.....
   The applet runs correctly until it tries to execute the following
==> Class.classDriver = ClassforName("postgresql.Driver");

It then enters that try/catch error process and appear to try to find
the missing classes.

   When compiling the applet no error messages like "class not found"
are flagged.  But, there are execution errors when we compiled with

==>getConnection ERROR 1: The postgresql.jar file does not contain the
correct JDBC classes for this JVM.  Try rebuilding.  If that fails, try
forcing the version supplying it to the command line using the argument
-Djava.version=1.1 or -Djava.version=1.2
==>Exception thrown was java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcption:

Sounds a lot like the problems that we are having trying to run under

Allan tried to use the command line argument they talked about but can't
find the command line
in the Visual Cafe environment even after searching the help files......

Perhaps postgresql.jar is a 1.2 java driver.

We've got a business trip and we are leaving on for 2.5 to 3 weeks.
Should be fun -- a few eastern Europe countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrghyz
Republic, and Kazakhstan.


Allan in Belgium
Scott in Germany