Обсуждение: AW: [HACKERS] Well, then you keep your darn columns


AW: [HACKERS] Well, then you keep your darn columns

Zeugswetter Andreas SB
> >But the decision was (from Vadim IIRC) to drop them, at 
> least in non system
> >tables.
> >The cited reasons were:
> >* crappy implementation that taxed performance (probably 
> fixed by now)
> >* nobody else seemed to have them and the push then was to 
> the direction of
> >  mainstream bean-counting DB with main objective of getting 
> that base
> >  functionality right.
> Regarding this last, Oracle has an equivalent - rowid.   In the web
> toolkit I'm helping port, it's used somewhat often, and having oid
> available has been a convenience.

rowid's are something completely different.
They do exist in Postgresql, and are called xtid.
(I suggested naming them rowid on the SQL level)
They have the advantage, that they don't need an index,
because they represent the physical location of the row.
