Обсуждение: The Apache Model (was Re: Copyright)


The Apache Model (was Re: Copyright)

Philip Warner
I received the following from the Apache people:

>The financial costs were actually fairly negligible; on
>the order of US$500, I believe.  Most of the effort went
>into discussions about the structure, the bylaws, and the
>articles of incorporation.  I have raised this topic
>to our board of directors, as it *does* seem as though
>a case-study Web page might be useful.  I've also asked
>the treasurer and incorporator to recap the expenses.
>Hopefully we will get back to you.. :-)

I'm obviously looking forward to further information, but this at least
sounds hopefull. The costs are not too high, and I presume one could build
on the work they have done on their by-lays and articles, thereby
short-circuiting that process.

What do other people think?

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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