Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] WinNT compiling: ongoing References:

"Jeff MacDonald " wrote:

> Ok, i've managed to get all the files i need, dandy.
> * side note, i am aware that there is a pre-compiled
> binary on hub. i'm doing this to see how well kevins
> instructions work for every one. (from scratch)
> lets start here , first 3 steps
> 1.Download
> done.
> 2. Run full.exe and install in c:\Unix\Root directory.
> afaik this means i should have a c:\Unix\Root\Cygwin
> dir ?

Nope. You can install it in any directory :)

> 3.Run Cygwin, and then  run "mount c:/Unix/Root /"
> this command will not work. it gives the error
> "Device Busy" , which makes perfect sense, since cygwin
> is self is running out of a sub-dir of this dir.
> any thoughts as to what kevin might have meant ?

Try umount /.

> ======================================================
> Jeff MacDonald
>         jeff@pgsql.com  irc: bignose on EFnet
> ======================================================

- Kevin