Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] Re: [SQL] prob with aggregate and group by - return s multiplesh


Re: [HACKERS] Re: [SQL] prob with aggregate and group by - return s multiplesh

Zeugswetter Andreas SB
> > > If not, I'd vote for pulling it out.  That's a heck of a 
> poor word to
> > > reserve.
> > I am afraid of lots of user complaints, even if we had not 
> already used
> > TEMP.
> OK, but we've already got "user complaints" about TEMP being a
> reserved word, so that part seems to balance out. There is apparently
> no basis in published standards for TEMP being a reserved word. And
> btw it is not currently documented as a reserved word in
> syntax.sgml...

TEMP is not a reserved word in informix, so there seems to be the
possibility to do a 
grammar trick.

The portability syntax that would be needed is only:

select * from table where ..... INTO TEMP _mytemp;

Your example had the into temp after the select list, which does 
not work in informix.
