Обсуждение: Re: Re: ODBC patch


Re: Re: ODBC patch

Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > > > I modified the current ODBC driver for
> > > > * referential integrity error reporting,
> > > > * SELECT in transactions and
> > > > * disabling autocommit.
> > > We are starting to think about organizing additional ODBC testing
> > Yes, sure. I know that this code (which was sent to Thomas) needs
> > further check. Have you had time to think about it?
> Sorry to ask this: can you please re-re-send the patch to me? I've
> upgraded my machine and at the moment my backup disk is unreadable :(
> re-TIA
>                      - Thomas

Does this anything to do with a problem I'm having:

When selecting data (using ODBC) from within a transaction block with
V7.0 I get NO data back :( The same query performed outside the block
works fine !!
This same code works ok with 6.5.x with no problems.

Any Clues ?

TIA,           Frank.