Обсуждение: MySQL has gone GPL


MySQL has gone GPL

Daniel Freedman

This is quite off-topic, but thought people might be interested in it, in
case they hadn't heard yet (and I thought, considered it is off-topic in
general, I'd be better off putting it to hackers than general).  Apologies
in advance if I'm wrong to do so.

Anyway, Yahoo reported this morning
(http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000628/ca_va_linu.html) that MySQL formed a
strategic alliance with VA Linux and released their MySQL product under
the GPL license.  Now, I've never used MySQL, and, in the learning stages
of transferring some of my Oracle knowledge to Postgres, I've really
started to love PGSql, but I thought the developers might want to be aware
of this development.

Take care,


Re: MySQL has gone GPL

Karel Zak
> Hi,
> This is quite off-topic, but thought people might be interested in it, in
> case they hadn't heard yet (and I thought, considered it is off-topic in
> general, I'd be better off putting it to hackers than general).  Apologies
> in advance if I'm wrong to do so.
> Anyway, Yahoo reported this morning
> (http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000628/ca_va_linu.html) that MySQL formed a
> strategic alliance with VA Linux and released their MySQL product under
> the GPL license.  Now, I've never used MySQL, and, in the learning stages
> of transferring some of my Oracle knowledge to Postgres, I've really
> started to love PGSql, but I thought the developers might want to be aware
> of this development.
On http://www.mysql.com is something about it too.

Interesting is that mySQL will in "strategic alliance" is Progress too..

BTW. --- MySQL with or without GPL, still it is same MySQL :-)

Re: MySQL has gone GPL

Hannu Krosing
Daniel Freedman wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyway, Yahoo reported this morning
> (http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000628/ca_va_linu.html) that MySQL formed a
> strategic alliance with VA Linux and released their MySQL product under
> the GPL license.

by going GPL and adding transactions they deserve at least a look :)

I wonder how they resolve(d) the problem with SleepyCat/BSD-DB (which 
they use for transaction support) _not_ being GPL .
