Обсуждение: benchmarks - anyone can make em


benchmarks - anyone can make em

Jeff MacDonald
I have a friend who works at IBM on DB2, i showed
her "the benchmark" just for kicks.. (we teach each
other over who's is better etc.. all good fun)

anyway she sends me back this article about how DB2
blows the lid off of TPC-C.. just proof that any
benchmark can mean anything..

at the same time i talked to a friend, who's a strong
postgres proponent, he was curious as to what size
the databases the postgres benchmarks were done on..

ned maybe you can field this second question.

Jeff MacDonald,

PostgreSQL Inc        | Hub.Org Networking Services
jeff@pgsql.com        | jeff@hub.org
www.pgsql.com        | www.hub.org
1-902-542-0713        | 1-902-542-3657
Fascimile : 1 902 542 5386
IRC Nick  : bignose

Re: benchmarks - anyone can make em

Jeff MacDonald
course i could definatly include the url



On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Jeff MacDonald wrote:

> I have a friend who works at IBM on DB2, i showed
> her "the benchmark" just for kicks.. (we teach each
> other over who's is better etc.. all good fun)
> anyway she sends me back this article about how DB2
> blows the lid off of TPC-C.. just proof that any
> benchmark can mean anything..
> at the same time i talked to a friend, who's a strong
> postgres proponent, he was curious as to what size
> the databases the postgres benchmarks were done on..
> ned maybe you can field this second question.
> Jeff MacDonald,
> -----------------------------------------------------
> PostgreSQL Inc        | Hub.Org Networking Services
> jeff@pgsql.com        | jeff@hub.org
> www.pgsql.com        | www.hub.org
> 1-902-542-0713        | 1-902-542-3657
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Fascimile : 1 902 542 5386
> IRC Nick  : bignose

Jeff MacDonald,

PostgreSQL Inc        | Hub.Org Networking Services
jeff@pgsql.com        | jeff@hub.org
www.pgsql.com        | www.hub.org
1-902-542-0713        | 1-902-542-3657
Fascimile : 1 902 542 5386
IRC Nick  : bignose

Re: benchmarks - anyone can make em

Don Baccus
At 01:17 PM 8/18/00 -0300, Jeff MacDonald wrote:
>course i could definatly include the url

OK, so they weren't running on a large mainframe.

They were running on a cluster of 32 servers.  I should HOPE they'd
beat Postgres on a single server!

This is FAR more "apples to oranges" than comparing engines on the
same machine, same Linux release ...

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <dhogaza@pacifier.com> Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest Rare Bird Alert
Serviceand other goodies at http://donb.photo.net.

Re: benchmarks - anyone can make em

Don Baccus
At 01:11 PM 8/18/00 -0300, Jeff MacDonald wrote:
>I have a friend who works at IBM on DB2, i showed
>her "the benchmark" just for kicks.. (we teach each
>other over who's is better etc.. all good fun)
>anyway she sends me back this article about how DB2
>blows the lid off of TPC-C.. just proof that any
>benchmark can mean anything..

Sure they do, IBM still makes mainframes far more powerful
than puny dual-processor Linux boxes...

The "proprietary 1", mySQL and Postgres tests were all run
on the same operating system/hardware combination, at

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <dhogaza@pacifier.com> Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest Rare Bird Alert
Serviceand other goodies at http://donb.photo.net.

Re: benchmarks - anyone can make em

Ned Lilly
What size?

According to the engineer who ran the test:

> We set it up for 100 users. There is a default loadset for that
> number of users, which loads up the tables to various levels. It's
> in the docs. Some tables had 100,000 rows.

More info on the AS3AP test can be found at

More info on the TPC-C at http://www.tpc.org/faq_TPCC.html.


Jeff MacDonald wrote:

> at the same time i talked to a friend, who's a strong
> postgres proponent, he was curious as to what size
> the databases the postgres benchmarks were done on..
> ned maybe you can field this second question.