Обсуждение: PostgreSQL 7.0.3-1 RPMset available.


PostgreSQL 7.0.3-1 RPMset available.

Lamar Owen
After a long day out of the office for my day job, I'm going ahead and
announcing the release of the 7.0.3-1 RPMset for PostgreSQL, which were
completed and passed regression testing yesterday.


Binary RPM's are currently available for i386 and PowerPC.
Distributions supported are RedHat 6.x, RedHat 7.0, TurboLinux 6.0.4,
SuSE 7.0, SuSE 6.4, Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.3 (NOT eDesktop 2.4 --
there are differences!), and LinuxPPC-2000.  Source RPMS for
RedHat-style systems are in SRPMS, SuSE-style source RPMS are in
SuSE-7.0, and Caldera source RPMS (works on most older RPM versions --
pre-3.0 RPM considered old) in OpenLinux-eServer-2.3.

Many thanks to Great Bridge for making possible multi-distribution
binary builds using their build farm, otherwise we would only have
RedHat-6.x and LinuxPPC-2000 (courtesy of Tom Lane).

Once the RPM's are downloaded, please read the changelog to see what has
changed (rpm -qp --changelog postgresql-7.0.3-1.i386.rpm as an example),
then install as usual.

Several bugs in the older RPM dist have been fixed, most notably an
embarrassing dependency bug that required the -devel subpackage to be
installed for anything to work.  See the changelog for other bugfixes,
and the included README.rpm-dist text file for further RPM-specific

Currently this RPMset doesn't build on ia64 -- work is in progress to
correct that issue, as well as to provide more binaries.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11