Обсуждение: building current sources


building current sources

Don Baccus
After reading Vadim's note stating the WAL is enabled by default,
I downloaded sources from CVS to rebuild the latest version.

There are errors in ecpg's preproc.y grammar that weren't there 
in the CVS sources I built yesterday.

The two rules "createdb_opt_item" and "createdb_opt_list" aren't
declared as type string at the front of the file, so bison gets

Two other rules, "createdb_opt_encoding" and "createdb_opt_location"
were declared as type string but never defined as rules.  Bison
doesn't like that, either.

The first clause for rule CreatedbStmt references a sixth item that
doesn't exist in the definition.

I've cleaned these up locally (though I just removed the $6 mentioned
last because I have no idea what was intended) so I can compile.  Someone
should clean up the CVS sources...

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <dhogaza@pacifier.com> Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest Rare Bird Alert
Serviceand other goodies at http://donb.photo.net.