Обсуждение: Re: Re: [PATCHES] PostgreSQL virtual hosting support


Re: Re: [PATCHES] PostgreSQL virtual hosting support

djm@web.us.uu.net (David J. MacKenzie)
> I was afraid you were planning to run that way.  Did you absorb the
> point about shared memory keys being based (only) on the port number?
> Unless something's done about that, the above configuration will NOT
> work, because the different instances will try to use the same
> shared memory and semaphore sets.

Yes, my patch addresses that issue, as well as I could figure out to do.
Here's part of the code I submitted in postmaster.c:
+  * get_host_port -- return a pseudo port number (16 bits)
+  * derived from the primary IP address of HostName.
+  */
+ static unsigned short
+ get_host_port(void)
+ {
+       static unsigned short hostPort = 0;
+       if (hostPort == 0)
+       {
+               SockAddr        saddr;
+               struct hostent *hp;
+               hp = gethostbyname(HostName);
+               if ((hp == NULL) || (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET))
+               {
+                       char msg[1024];
+                       snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
+                                "FATAL: get_host_port: gethostbyname(%s) failed: %s\n",
+                                HostName, hstrerror(h_errno));
+                       fputs(msg, stderr);
+                       pqdebug("%s", msg);
+                       exit(1);
+               }
+               memmove((char *) &(saddr.in.sin_addr),
+                       (char *) hp->h_addr,
+                       hp->h_length);
+               hostPort = ntohl(saddr.in.sin_addr.s_addr) & 0xFFFF;
+       }
+       return hostPort;
+ }
+ /*  * reset_shared -- reset shared memory and semaphores  */ static void reset_shared(unsigned short port) {
+       /*
+        * A typical ipc_key is 5432001, which is port 5432, sequence
+        * number 0, and 01 as the index in IPCKeyGetBufferMemoryKey().
+        * The 32-bit INT_MAX is 2147483 6 47.
+        *
+        * The default algorithm for calculating the IPC keys assumes that all
+        * instances of postmaster on a given host are listening on different
+        * ports.  In order to work (prevent shared memory collisions) if you
+        * run multiple PostgreSQL instances on the same port and different IP
+        * addresses on a host, we change the algorithm if you give postmaster
+        * the -h option, or set PGHOST, to a value other than the internal
+        * default of "any".
+        *
+        * If HostName is not "any", then we generate the IPC keys using the
+        * last two octets of the IP address instead of the port number.
+        * This algorithm assumes that no one will run multiple PostgreSQL
+        * instances on one host using two IP addresses that have the same two
+        * last octets in different class C networks.  If anyone does, it
+        * would be rare.
+        *
+        * So, if you use -h or PGHOST, don't try to run two instances of
+        * PostgreSQL on the same IP address but different ports.  If you
+        * don't use them, then you must use different ports (via -p or
+        * PGPORT).  And, of course, don't try to use both approaches on one
+        * host.
+        */
+       if (strcmp(HostName, "any"))
+               port = get_host_port();
+        ipc_key = port * 1000 + shmem_seq * 100;       CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores(ipc_key, MaxBackends);