Обсуждение: vacuum verbose analyze lazy problem.


vacuum verbose analyze lazy problem.

Denis Perchine

I just have installed Vadim's patch for speeding up vacuum.
And have quite strange problem.
I have quite small table:
[root@mx src]# ls -l /home/postgres/data/base/db/users*
-rw-------   1 postgres postgres  4120576 Dec 14 08:48 
-rw-------   1 postgres postgres   483328 Dec 14 08:46 
-rw-------   1 postgres postgres     8192 Dec 14 08:20 

I did vacuum verbose analyze lazy;, and it locks up (or better say do 
something for a long time.

Before started vacuuming users.
19379 pts/0    R      2:24 /home/postgres/bin/postgres localhost postgres 

Before I kill the backend.
19379 pts/0    R      4:41 /home/postgres/bin/postgres localhost postgres 

It spends at least 2 minutes trying vacuuming users. Usually this table is 
vacuumed & analyzed in few seconds.

Here is the output of vacuum verbose analyze, I done after this problem 

db=# vacuum verbose analyze users;
NOTICE:  --Relation users --
NOTICE:  Pages 978: Changed 1, reaped 832, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 14280: Vac 
13541, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 265, MinLen 248, MaxLen 340; Re-using: 
Free/Avail. Space 3891320/3854076; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/666. CPU 
0.09s/1.25u sec.
NOTICE:  Index users_id_key: Pages 35; Tuples 14280: Deleted 82. CPU 
0.00s/0.05u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ix_users_account_name: Pages 56; Tuples 14280: Deleted 82. CPU 
0.01s/0.05u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ix_users_blocked: Pages 31; Tuples 14280: Deleted 82. CPU 
0.00s/0.05u sec.
NOTICE:  Rel users: Pages: 978 --> 503; Tuple(s) moved: 640. CPU 0.22s/0.22u 
NOTICE:  Index users_id_key: Pages 59; Tuples 14280: Deleted 640. CPU 
0.00s/0.04u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ix_users_account_name: Pages 93; Tuples 14280: Deleted 640. 
CPU 0.00s/0.04u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ix_users_blocked: Pages 32; Tuples 14280: Deleted 640. CPU 
0.00s/0.04u sec.

I wouldn't consider it's a bug, but from my point of view it is quite strange.
Any comments?

BTW, I did a backup, and can supply anyone interested with original table.

Sincerely Yours,
Denis Perchine

E-Mail: dyp@perchine.com
HomePage: http://www.perchine.com/dyp/
FidoNet: 2:5000/120.5

Re: vacuum verbose analyze lazy problem.

"Vadim Mikheev"
> I wouldn't consider it's a bug, but from my point of view it is quite strange.
> Any comments?
> BTW, I did a backup, and can supply anyone interested with original table.

Please send it me.


Re: vacuum verbose analyze lazy problem.

Denis Perchine
On Thursday 14 December 2000 23:04, Vadim Mikheev wrote:
> > I wouldn't consider it's a bug, but from my point of view it is quite
> > strange. Any comments?
> >
> > BTW, I did a backup, and can supply anyone interested with original
> > table.
> Please send it me.

Another small comment. I did not made initdb. And did not made dump/restore.
Maybe this is a problem. I just installed a patch.

Sincerely Yours,
Denis Perchine

E-Mail: dyp@perchine.com
HomePage: http://www.perchine.com/dyp/
FidoNet: 2:5000/120.5