Обсуждение: Is this a bug in 7.0.2


Is this a bug in 7.0.2

Steven Vajdic
Dear all,

I've migrated from RedHat6.2/PHP3.0/PostgreSQL6.5 to
Mandrake/PHP4.0/Postgres7.0.2 successfully as far as
pg_dump database_name is concerned.

I am still running BOTH versions on two computers.

PostgreSQL6.5 does not produce any error using math function "integer
(even "int(float_expression" is OK with 6.5)
and 7.0.2 complains saying:

"function integer(float8) is not found for specified types"

The query  is used in something like this:

SELECT attr-1, attr-2,
integer(attr-2 * $php_variable_1 + atrr-3 * $php_variable_2)   AS attr-N

FROM  table_1, table_2
WHERE  clause_1 AND  clause_2
ORDER BY  attr-2, attr-4

If I made an error HERE with the sintax, I apologise - I am not close to
my both Linux machines,
and sintax is OK in my real SELECT queries.

"$php_xxx"s are PHP variables and "attr-xxx"s are SQL table attributes.
The "integer(float_expression)"
is more complicated then written above BUT it all DOES work in 6.5 and
DOES NOT in 7.0.2.

Any ideas, please?

Much obliged,



Steven Vajdic (BSc/Hon, MSc)
Senior Software Engineer
Motorola Australia Software Centre (MASC)
2 Second Avenue, Technology Park
Adelaide, South Australia  5095
email:  Steven.Vajdic@motorola.com
email:  svajdic@asc.corp.mot.com
Ph.:  +61-8-8168-3435
Fax:    +61-8-8168-3501
Front Office (Ph): +61-8-8168-3500

mobile: +61 (0)419 860 903
AFTER WORK email:  steven_vajdic@ivillage.com
