Обсуждение: Metaphone function


Metaphone function

Joel Burton
I've hacked together a metaphone function from an existing metaphone
implementation and the example provided by the soundex() function in

I'd like to send this out to the general list, in the hopes that people
will find it useful, but I wanted to wave it in front of the -hackers and
-patches people first, just to make sure that I haven't done anything
dreadfully, awfully terrible. :-)

I'm not an expert C coder, and this is really two programs, neither of
which I wrote, glued together, with some mild editing by me. There are no
malloc() calls (no dynamic memory at all), nor anything terribly strange,
but this is my first C function I'm turning loose on the world.

If you have a chance, I'd appreciate any feedback/pointers.

If it looks good / If I don't hear otherwise, I'll send it out to
pgsql-announce and pgsql-general early next week.

Joel Burton   <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington