Обсуждение: Converting PL/SQL to PL/PGSQL


Converting PL/SQL to PL/PGSQL

Klaus Reger
Hi all!

I have to convert functions and procedures from Oracle to PostgreSQL. I 
looked at all the stuff of the Pg-Homepage and I ask me if there are any 
tools, that support the conversion. 

Writing PS/PGSQL tools seems to be a bit hard, because of the existing 
tool-infrastructure on linux. Are there are tools I have overseen?

I have implemented the following tools for my use yet:

- A WWWdb-Application for editing and testing of SQL-Procedures over a WEB-frontend
- A perl-script, that does basic conversions between PL/SQL <-> XML <-> PL/PGSQL (The Procedure-definition is converted
completely,the code-block a little bit)

Who else is working in this area? Any tips?

Regards, Klaus

Visit WWWdb at

Re: Converting PL/SQL to PL/PGSQL

Jean-Michel POURE

PgAdmin http://www.greatbridge.org/project/pgadmin/projdisplay.php is the 
windows administration interface of PostgreSQL.
The new upcoming version features a function, trigger and view IDE. When 
functions are modified, it is possible to rebuild dependencies.
It is the perfect tool for writing PL/PgSQL Wait a few days before it is 

Greetings from Jean-Michel POURE, Paris, France

At 12:24 09/05/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all!
>I have to convert functions and procedures from Oracle to PostgreSQL. I
>looked at all the stuff of the Pg-Homepage and I ask me if there are any
>tools, that support the conversion.
>Writing PS/PGSQL tools seems to be a bit hard, because of the existing
>tool-infrastructure on linux. Are there are tools I have overseen?
>I have implemented the following tools for my use yet:
>- A WWWdb-Application for editing and testing of SQL-Procedures over a
>   WEB-frontend
>- A perl-script, that does basic conversions between PL/SQL <-> XML <->
>   PL/PGSQL (The Procedure-definition is converted completely, the code-block
>   a little bit)
>Who else is working in this area? Any tips?
>Regards, Klaus
>Visit WWWdb at
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