Обсуждение: Creating Postgres DB from Remote Machine


Creating Postgres DB from Remote Machine

"Dinesh Parikh"
Hi Everybody.
I am writing an application in java and want to create a databse with business logic (In a lot of functions) remotely. For that purpose I would like to get some parameters from user. these are
1. Database Name (e.g. anaconda)
2. Super user (e.g. postgres)
3. Super user passwd. (e.g. postgres)
4. Server IP (e.g
5. Server port (Default 5432).
6. Datapath(e.g. /usr/local/Mydata)
I am connecting to template1 using postgres-jdbc interface. I am using sql command Create Database. When I am giving command as follows
Create database anaconda With Location = 'usr/local/Mydata'
It gives error that absolute path is not allowed.
Postgres Help says that to allow absolute path u have to install postgreSQL with some gamke option but it is security risk. If I want to give this application to anyone than it may be not suitable to reinstall postgreSQL. Help also says that that u have to put environment variable to avoid this error. (using commands export/initlocation in same server process.).
But since I want to create DB remotely than How can i set environment variable from different m/c (as m/c may be windows 95/98/NT and user not knows anything about telnet). I want to so all things from my application.
Is there any different way to implement this.
Any suggestion(s) may help me.
Dinesh Parikh
New Delhi