Обсуждение: Oracle to Postgres comparision


Oracle to Postgres comparision

erigeneni srinivasulu
        I wanted to know about how good when we use
postgresql when compared to oracle.Does 10 MB
Postgresql Software Be Comparable to around 500 MB
Oracle 7.3 Software?Does it supports and provides same
sort of security,redundancy,robustnessand fine tuning
of Oracle?.

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Re: Oracle to Postgres comparision

erigeneni srinivasulu wrote:
> hello,
>          I wanted to know about how good when we use
> postgresql when compared to oracle.Does 10 MB
> Postgresql Software Be Comparable to around 500 MB
> Oracle 7.3 Software?Does it supports and provides same
> sort of security,redundancy,robustnessand fine tuning
> of Oracle?.

At my company we use both Oracle and PostgreSQL. Since My most recent
experience is with Oracle 8.1 and PostgreSQL 7.1/7.2 here is what I see:

PostgreSQL is pretty fast. Some of our queries go faster on PostgreSQL on a
dual PIII system than our Oracle Solaris box.

PostgreSQL is "easier" to use, but perhaps less efficient. Oracle's "Prepare
statement" step is not needed, nor is the bind variables, when using the API

PostgreSQL is currently a much simpler system, deploying it is very easy
compared to Oracle.

There are comparitively few tuning parameters for PostgreSQL, few have much to
do with performance, fewer still make a great impact. Tuning PostgreSQL is
really just sizing it right, and it will work pretty well. Oracle is some
astounding number of tuning parameters, all of which do something important.
Oracle reqires fine tuning to perform well.

Robustness, I have to give it to PostgreSQL here. I have seen Oracle fail
several times, we have yet to have a PostgreSQL death since 7.1. I am, however,
more confident in Oracle's ability to recover from a catestrophic falure
because I have seen it do so.

Redundency, PostgreSQL has none to speak of.

Security? I haven't had much experience. Our servers are behind a firewall and
are used mostly by applications.

I would choose PostgreSQL over oracle in almost every application, except for
one. An application where one or more tables in which rows are constantly being
updated or deleted. This is PostgreSQL's weak spot and can cause performance