Обсуждение: Bad timestamp external representation 'Sun 05 May 11:53:44.731416 2002 EEST'


Bad timestamp external representation 'Sun 05 May 11:53:44.731416 2002 EEST'

Vladimir Zolotykh

I found a strange error (at least at first glance I had thought it
seems so):

mail=# select * from accounts_log where login='trading'; id  |  login  | debet |  credit   |             when
------+---------+-------+-----------+------------------------------6289 | trading |  1170 | 1294.9071 | Wed 21 Mar
18:07:192001 EET
(1 row)

mail=# select * from accounts_log where login='trading' and "when" = '2001-03-21 18:07:19'; id  |  login  | debet |
credit  |             when             
------+---------+-------+-----------+------------------------------6289 | trading |  1170 | 1294.9071 | Wed 21 Mar
18:07:192001 EET
(1 row)

mail=# select * from accounts_log where login='trading' and "when" >= '2001-03-21 18:07:19';
ERROR:  Bad timestamp external representation 'Wed 04 Apr 20:00:56 2001 EEST'

Could you add some comments to this ?

Also I'd like to question if you don't mind: While now() outputs
 Sun 05 May 11:53:44.731416 2002 EEST

It seems I can't use EEST (Eastern Europe Summer Time) in input:
 proba=# select * from temp;  n | date  ---+------ (0 rows)
 proba=# \d temp       Table "temp"  Column |           Type           | Modifiers
--------+--------------------------+----------- n      | integer                  |   date   | timestamp with time zone
 proba=# select * from temp where date = 'Sun 05 May 11:53:44.731416 2002 EEST'; ERROR:  Bad timestamp external
representation'Sun 05 May 11:53:44.731416 2002 EEST' proba=# 

The EETDST time zone abbreviation works but it is inconvenient because
all files produced with pg_dump utility or copy command contains EEST
and I can't use then without some modifications e.g
 $ psql -e -f copy-command.sql proba Using pager is off. COPY "temp" FROM stdin; psql:copy-command.sql:1: ERROR:  copy:
line2952, Bad timestamp external representation 'Mon 26 Mar 18:45:36 2001
EEST' psql:copy-command.sql:1: lost synchronization with server, resetting connection $ 

To be precise, DST time was started at 25 Mar 2001 at 01:00 UTC for
our time zone (UTC+2) if it does matter.

Could you suggest something ?

Using PostgreSQL 7.2 on Slackware 8.0

Best regards

Vladimir Zolotykh