Обсуждение: Let's get 7.3 done


Let's get 7.3 done

Bruce Momjian
OK, I would like to shoot for 7.3 final in the next few weeks.  Can we
get some of these items completed so we can make that happen and move on
to 7.4?  Remeber, PITR and Win32 are waiting!

Let me comment on these:

                              P O S T G R E S Q L
                         7 . 3  O P E N    I T E M S

Current at ftp://momjian.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/open_items.Required Changes-------------------Schema handling -
ready?interfaces? client apps?

What specifically still needs to be done here?
Drop column handling - ready for all clients, apps?

Get bison upgrade on postgresql.org for ecpg only (Marc)

OK, bison 1.50 is officially released. I am using it here and it passes
the regression tests.  Marc, would you download that on to
postgresql.org and then Michael can get ecpg fully working, and we can
get this item removed from the list.
Fix vacuum btree bug (Tom)

OK, Tom, I know you were looking for a better fix than locking down the
index pages to fix this.  Perhaps you should throw out the question one
more time, and if no one has a better idea, let's code the fix and
document the problem in the code so maybe it can get improved at some
later date.
Fix client apps for autocommit = off

OK, exactly what needs to be done here.  If we add 'SET autocommit =
off' to the top of the apps, is that all we need to do?  For apps that
connect to the database multiple times, do we have to do it multiple
Fix pg_dump to handle 64-bit off_t offsets for custom format

Where are we on this?Optional Changes----------------

None of these have to be done before final.
Fix BeOS, QNX4 ports

I am removing this one.  No one is volunteering.
Return last command of INSTEAD rule for tuple count/oid/tag for rules, SPI

If we are going to fix it, this week is the time.  If not, it stays on
Add schema dump option to pg_dump

Add/remove GRANT EXECUTE to all /contrib functions?

Who volunteered to clean all this up a while back?
Missing casts for bit operations

Requires initdb, as does INSTEAD fix.
\copy doesn't handle column namesCOPY doesn't handle schemasCOPY quotes all table names

Again, all optional.On Going--------Security audit

Haven't heard anything on this for a while.  Removed.Documentation Changes---------------------Move documation to gborg
formoved projects

This needs to be done.  What plan to we have for those gborg docs to
deal with SGML?

This is the week folks --- let's get these done or moved to TODO.

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: Let's get 7.3 done

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
>     Return last command of INSTEAD rule for tuple count/oid/tag for rules, SPI

> If we are going to fix it, this week is the time.  If not, it stays on

If we've agreed on the behavior, I'll try to take care of making it
happen.  Note that will mean an initdb for 7.3b3.

>     Add/remove GRANT EXECUTE to all /contrib functions?

> Who volunteered to clean all this up a while back?

I think that now that we changed the default permissions for functions,
this is a dead issue.  There's no need to put explicit GRANTs into the
contrib files.  OTOH, taking out the ones that were added already is
a waste of cycles too.
        regards, tom lane

Re: Let's get 7.3 done

Philip Warner
At 12:49 AM 14/10/2002 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
>         Fix pg_dump to handle 64-bit off_t offsets for custom format

I'll try to get back to this in the next day or so...

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