Обсуждение: backend dies when C function calls C++ library that throws an exception


backend dies when C function calls C++ library that throws an exception

David Blasby
PostGIS (open source spatial objects for postgresql - 
http://postgis.refractions.net ) is trying to integrate a C++ geometry 
package (GEOS - Geometry Engine, Open Source - 
http://geos.refractions.net ).

We are having trouble trapping exceptions thrown by the GEOS C++ 
library.  The library isworking very well in general, but when GEOS 
raises an exception that tries to leave the GEOS .so library, postgresql 
immediately dies (signal 6 - ABORT).

The postgis library is a set of custom functions that are called by 
postgresql using the standard API.  These postgis functions call 
functions in the GEOS library.

Basically, the layout is like:

postgis_geos.c -- gets merged into postgis.so which is loaded and used 
by directly by postgresql.
postgis_geos_wrapper.cpp -- also merges into postgis.so, but handles 
calls to the GEOS c++ library.
libgeos.so  --- geos library

In postgis_geos.c ,the  only interesting line is "result = 
GEOSrelateOverlaps(g1,g2);" which calls a c++ wrapper function (see below).

Datum overlaps(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)

result = GEOSrelateOverlaps(g1,g2);if (result == 2){    elog(ERROR,"GEOS overlaps() threw an error!");
PG_RETURN_NULL();//never get here}

postgis_geos_wrapper.cpp - this also get merged into postgis.so - it 
handles calling GEOS.

//extern "C" GEOSrelateContains(Geometry *g1, Geometry*g2);
char GEOSrelateContains(Geometry *g1, Geometry*g2)
{try {    bool result;    result = g1->contains(g2);    if (result)        return 1;    else        return 0;}catch
(...){   return 2;}

In general, this "wrapping" works fine - I've left out a bunch of 
details, but things work *great* in postgresql as long as GEOS doesnt 
throw any exceptions.
I can write stand alone C programs that handle the exceptions properly.

Its only has problems when there's three levels of indirection
(postgresql->postgis wrapper->GEOS).

If you write a C (or C++) program that uses the wrapper, everything 
works fine.

Others have had similiar problems - for example people writing PERL 
modules that use the perl "C" api to call C++ libraries.  People doing 
the same with PYTHON have also had problems. The only technical 
reference I can find is at:

Basically, there's a problem if libc is loaded before libc++ because the
exception handler isnt installed (or some such thing).

Anyone have any ideas of what to do about this?

dave blasby

Re: backend dies when C function calls C++ library that throws an exception

Tom Lane
David Blasby <dblasby@refractions.net> writes:
> We are having trouble trapping exceptions thrown by the GEOS C++ 
> library.  The library isworking very well in general, but when GEOS 
> raises an exception that tries to leave the GEOS .so library, postgresql 
> immediately dies (signal 6 - ABORT).

The redhat bugzilla entry you reference suggests that this should work
in Linux, given compatible (and recent) versions of gcc/glibc/glibc++.
Are you up to date on those?

But if you want a general cross-platform solution, you may be out of
luck.  Since there is no C++ library in the standard backend, there
is nothing that would know to set up the C++ exception stack.

(It occurs to me that if it's still failing for you on recent Linux
releases, it might be because your code and GEOS are in separate shared
libs that can't even agree on a common location of the C++ exception
stack pointers.)

The only workaround I can think of is to build a nonstandard postgres
executable that contains libc++ as part of the main executable.
        regards, tom lane