Обсуждение: Re: Scheduled Jobs


Re: Scheduled Jobs

Josh Berkus

I think your proposal for a job scheduler is a great idea .... as a GBORG
project for PostgreSQL add-in.     That is, I think you should develop it and
put it up at gborg.postgresql.org for others to use and modify.

However, making such an accessory part of the core distribution is not a good
idea; that amounts to forcing users who have no need of a job scheduler to
download and install one anyway.   Particularly so since it seems to me that
such a program is better implemented *external* to PostgreSQL, using the
database merely as a data store for programmed and completed jobs.   If you
look at the design of MS SQL Server, you will find that the "SQL Server
Agent" which handles scheduled jobs is an external service to the database
itself ... it merely uses msdb as its data store.

I look forward to hearing of your efforts.

-Josh BerkusAglio Database SolutionsSan Francisco