Обсуждение: Problem retrieve Chinese characters in browser


Problem retrieve Chinese characters in browser

"Colin Ng (IWE)"
Hi everybody,
I created a db with encoding 'SQL-ASCII'. And I wrote a JSP application to manipulate corporate information which including both Traditional/Simplified Chinese characters. However, I can read both Traditional/Simplified Chinese information from my MS Access (OS: TChinese Win2K+MS Office XP with switch default language setting for workaround) but I can't read Simplified Chinese completely from the browser! (Some characters become '??' even I set the codepage for the JSP page). Can anybody help?
Thanks a lot!

Re: Problem retrieve Chinese characters in browser

Gerhard Ha"ring
Colin Ng (IWE) wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I created a db with encoding 'SQL-ASCII'. And I wrote a JSP application 
> to manipulate corporate information which including both 
> Traditional/Simplified Chinese characters. However, I can read both 
> Traditional/Simplified Chinese information from my MS Access (OS: 
> TChinese Win2K+MS Office XP with switch default language setting for 
> workaround) but I can't read Simplified Chinese completely from the 
> browser! (Some characters become '??' even I set the codepage for the 
> JSP page). Can anybody help?

Probably, but not here. This is the list about development of
PostgreSQL. User support questions are off-topic here. If your question
is PostgreSQL-related, may I kindly ask you to post on a more suitable
PostgreSQL list, like pgsql-general?

Anyway it seems to me like your question is more related to HTML or your
particular browser and doesn't have to do much with the database. There
are appropriate newsgroups for this as well.

Lastly, putting chinese characters in a database with encoding SQL-ASCII
is obviously going to create problems. SQL-ASCII is the encoding which
contains the 127 characters from the US-ASCII charset, nothing more. I'drecommend you use a BIG-5 or UNICODE database

-- Gerhard