Обсуждение: ANNOUNCEMENT: Availability of TelegraphCQ v0.2 (BETA release)


ANNOUNCEMENT: Availability of TelegraphCQ v0.2 (BETA release)

Sailesh Krishnamurthy
ANNOUNCEMENT: Availability of TelegraphCQ v0.2 (BETA release)

The Telegraph Team at UC Berkeley is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of TelegraphCQ v0.2 (a BETA release). TelegraphCQ is a
system for processing long-running continuous queries over data
streams. TelegraphCQ is implemented as a significant modification to
the PostgreSQL open-source database system. Specifically, TelegraphCQ
v0.2 is based on the PostregreSQL 7.3.2 code-base.

For more information on the Telegraph project please visit:

To download TelegraphCQ and for more information, please visit:

Here is the README.TelegraphCQ from the source distribution:

This file contains information on TelegraphCQ 0.2 (a Beta releae). 

What's new (since TelegraphCQ 0.1)

- Better stability: Lots of bugs have been squashed

- CSV Wrapper: An easy to use wrapper that accepts simple comma
separated text as input and supports all PostgreSQL and user-defined
types. There is now no need to write C code to develop a new wrapper
if your data source produces textual data.

- Pull Wrappers: If you want to pull (lookup) data from external
sources (such as web pages) based on query predicates, you can use the
new infrastructure for the Pull Wrapper.

- Introspective Query Processing: The dynamic catalog is a new feature
in TelegraphCQ. It lets users query three special purpose internal
data streams to get a continuous view of how the TelegraphCQ system is

- Applications: Included with this distribution are a few applications
that we demonstrated at the ACM FCRC/SIGMOD 2003 Conference in San
Diego. We have integrated data from CalTrans (California Department of
Transportation), CHP (California Highway Patrol) and a local network
interface (using the tcpdump utility). We have also included graphical
visualizers that run some interesting queries over data streams from
these sources.


If you are using TelegraphCQ for any project (research or otherwise),
we'd like to know ! 
 - If you are making any performance measurements of TelegraphCQ and are publishing it or disseminating it in some way,
pleasedo let us know.
 - We welcome bug fixes and code contributions of any kind. Please send all patches to tcqfeedback@db.cs.berkeley.edu

Caveat Emptor

The current version of TelegraphCQ (0.2) is still a Beta release and
is very much research code. We haven't optimized it for
performance. Also, you will need to create a fresh database to use it
as it will not work against an existing PostgreSQL database. You are
free to use pgdump to export and then import your data from an
existing PostgreSQL database. 

- Archived streams: Note that although TelegraphCQ 0.2 supports
archived streams, we currently do not support access of historical
data. This will be fixed in our next release. 

For more information

Getting Started:   A TelegraphCQ Getting Started guide can be found in docs/TelegraphCQ/gettingstarted.html
 The Getting Started guide also has links to other information such as DDL/DML syntax, examples etc. Note that the
documentationinstalled in your TelegraphCQ installation directory contains documentation for the new syntax changes
(CREATE/ALTER/DROPSTREAM, the WINDOW clause in DML) integrated into the existing PostgreSQL documentation.

The Telegraph Project:

Supported Platforms

TelegraphCQ is supported on Linux x86 (various distributions including
Red Hat Linux 8,9 and Debian) and MacOS X 10.2, the platforms on which
it was developed. In addition, it has been minimally tested on the
SPARC Solaris platform. 

In general, TelegraphCQ should run anywhere PostgreSQL runs. However,
there are significant differences in how we use shared memory and
synchronization primitives such as semaphores. This is likely to cause
some hiccups on platforms where we have not tested it yet. We welcome
patches that help in porting TelegraphCQ. 

Please send all comments (and patches) to tcqfeedback@db.cs.berkeley.edu

