Обсуждение: CREATE TYPE



Mike Aubury
Can someone point me at some detailed instructions for creating new 

I've found quite a few web pages that mention it (in passing) and give brief 
examples - but nothing much I can actually work with for my purposes..

Ideally I'd like to use C as the language and the datatype will need an 
'extent' (like 'char' can be char(10) - although its nothing like a char 

I'm targetting this at the new 7.4 - so I think i need to use 'version 1' 
method (using Datum etc ?)

Also - the datatype itself is a comlex type which stores half a dozen 
different integers (Its a modified datetime - storing the year, month, day, 
hour, minute, second, but the extent gives it the ability to do YEAR TO DAY, 
HOUR TO SECOND etc, so you only get/set the relevant sections).
When 'selected' it would return a variable length string containing the 
relevant data, and would be set by passing in a string (some of the data of 
which may well be ignored if its outside the extent of the column etc)

Hope thats enough - all pointers greatfully received..
(and free'd when required :)


Programmers Guide , Chap 10

contrib/isbn_issn also provides an implementation example.


> Can someone point me at some detailed instructions for creating new
> datatypes..
> I've found quite a few web pages that mention it (in passing) and give
> brief  examples - but nothing much I can actually work with for my
> purposes..
> Ideally I'd like to use C as the language and the datatype will need an
>  'extent' (like 'char' can be char(10) - although its nothing like a
> char  field...)
> I'm targetting this at the new 7.4 - so I think i need to use 'version
> 1'  method (using Datum etc ?)
> Also - the datatype itself is a comlex type which stores half a dozen
> different integers (Its a modified datetime - storing the year, month,
> day,  hour, minute, second, but the extent gives it the ability to do
> YEAR TO DAY,  HOUR TO SECOND etc, so you only get/set the relevant
> sections).
> When 'selected' it would return a variable length string containing the
>  relevant data, and would be set by passing in a string (some of the
> data of  which may well be ignored if its outside the extent of the
> column etc)
> Hope thats enough - all pointers greatfully received..
> (and free'd when required :)
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through
> Usenet, please send an appropriate
>      subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>      message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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Mike Aubury
OK - i've got the basic input/output working now - but how to I do the extent 
bit ?
eg. allow :

create table (something a4gl_datime(15)

On Friday 18 July 2003 6:53 pm, mallah@trade-india.com wrote:
> Programmers Guide , Chap 10
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/xtypes.html
> contrib/isbn_issn also provides an implementation example.
> regds
> mallah.
> > Can someone point me at some detailed instructions for creating new
> > datatypes..
> >
> > I've found quite a few web pages that mention it (in passing) and give
> > brief  examples - but nothing much I can actually work with for my
> > purposes..
> >
> > Ideally I'd like to use C as the language and the datatype will need an
> >  'extent' (like 'char' can be char(10) - although its nothing like a
> > char  field...)
> >
> > I'm targetting this at the new 7.4 - so I think i need to use 'version
> > 1'  method (using Datum etc ?)
> >
> > Also - the datatype itself is a comlex type which stores half a dozen
> > different integers (Its a modified datetime - storing the year, month,
> > day,  hour, minute, second, but the extent gives it the ability to do
> > YEAR TO DAY,  HOUR TO SECOND etc, so you only get/set the relevant
> > sections).
> > When 'selected' it would return a variable length string containing the
> >  relevant data, and would be set by passing in a string (some of the
> > data of  which may well be ignored if its outside the extent of the
> > column etc)
> >
> > Hope thats enough - all pointers greatfully received..
> > (and free'd when required :)
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of
> > broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through
> > Usenet, please send an appropriate
> >      subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> >      message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
> -----------------------------------------
> Over 1,00,000 exporters are waiting for your order! Click below to get
> in touch with leading Indian exporters listed in the premier
> trade directory Exporters Yellow Pages.
> http://www.trade-india.com/dyn/gdh/eyp/
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend



sorry i was not the rite person to answer
at the first place.wait for other hacker to help ya.


> OK - i've got the basic input/output working now - but how to I do the
> extent  bit ?
> eg. allow :
> create table (
>     something a4gl_datime(15)
> )
> On Friday 18 July 2003 6:53 pm, mallah@trade-india.com wrote:
>> Programmers Guide , Chap 10
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/xtypes.html
>> contrib/isbn_issn also provides an implementation example.
>> regds
>> mallah.
>> > Can someone point me at some detailed instructions for creating new
>> > datatypes..
>> >
>> > I've found quite a few web pages that mention it (in passing) and
>> > give brief  examples - but nothing much I can actually work with for
>> > my purposes..
>> >
>> > Ideally I'd like to use C as the language and the datatype will need
>> > an
>> >  'extent' (like 'char' can be char(10) - although its nothing like a
>> > char  field...)
>> >
>> > I'm targetting this at the new 7.4 - so I think i need to use
>> > 'version 1'  method (using Datum etc ?)
>> >
>> > Also - the datatype itself is a comlex type which stores half a
>> > dozen different integers (Its a modified datetime - storing the
>> > year, month, day,  hour, minute, second, but the extent gives it the
>> > ability to do YEAR TO DAY,  HOUR TO SECOND etc, so you only get/set
>> > the relevant sections).
>> > When 'selected' it would return a variable length string containing
>> > the
>> >  relevant data, and would be set by passing in a string (some of the
>> > data of  which may well be ignored if its outside the extent of the
>> > column etc)
>> >
>> > Hope thats enough - all pointers greatfully received..
>> > (and free'd when required :)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------------------------(end of
>> > broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading
>> > through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>> >      subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that
>> >      your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Over 1,00,000 exporters are waiting for your order! Click below to get
>> in touch with leading Indian exporters listed in the premier
>> trade directory Exporters Yellow Pages.
>> http://www.trade-india.com/dyn/gdh/eyp/
>> ---------------------------(end of
>> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your
>> friend
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: if posting/reading through
> Usenet, please send an appropriate
>      subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>      message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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