Обсуждение: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean


plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Following up this gripe
I've realized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression
of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression.  It
doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert
the value if it's not the case.  This seems pretty bogus to me.

However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes
any nonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes
any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I fear that people may actually be
depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is
pretty reasonable if you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw
an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm afraid of breaking people's
function definitions.

Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
to implement:

1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).

2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.

3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method  for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's
outputproc to get a  string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to  avoid throwing an error in very
manycases, but it'd be the most  consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)

4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans  will be accepted in exactly the same cases where
they'dbe accepted  in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,  none are, so this isn't really
differentfrom #2.  But people could  create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled  fashion.)

Any opinions about what to do?
        regards, tom lane

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andrew Dunstan
Tom Lane wrote:

>Following up this gripe
>I've realized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression
>of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression.  It
>doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert
>the value if it's not the case.  This seems pretty bogus to me.
>However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes
>any nonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes
>any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I fear that people may actually be
>depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is
>pretty reasonable if you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw
>an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm afraid of breaking people's
>function definitions.
>Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
>to implement:
>1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).
>2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.
>3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>   for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>   string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>   avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>   consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)
>4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>   will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>   in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>   none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>   create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>   fashion.)
>Any opinions about what to do?
It won't bite me so maybe I don't have a right to express an opinion :-)

plpgsql is not C - it appears to be in the Algol/Pascal/Ada family, 
which do tend to avoid implicit type conversion.

On that basis, option 2 seems like it might be the right answer and also 
the one most likely to break lots of existing functions. Maybe the right 
thing would be to deprecate relying on implicit conversion to boolean 
for one release cycle and then make it an error.



Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andreas Pflug
Tom Lane wrote:

>Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
>to implement:
>1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).
>2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.
I'd opt for 2.
It's quite common that newer compilers will detect more bogus coding 
than older ones. There might be existing functions that break from this 
because they rely on the current "feature", but there are probably 
others that will throw an exception, revealing bad coding (and 
delivering correct results just by chance, I've seen this more than once...)


Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Doug McNaught
Andreas Pflug <pgadmin@pse-consulting.de> writes:

> Tom Lane wrote:
> >
> >2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.
> >

> I'd opt for 2.
> It's quite common that newer compilers will detect more bogus coding
> than older ones. There might be existing functions that break from
> this because they rely on the current "feature", but there are
> probably others that will throw an exception, revealing bad coding
> (and delivering correct results just by chance, I've seen this more
> than once...)

I agree, and option 2 also makes sure that "bad" code will fail
cleanly, rather than possibly changing behavior and causing data

I agree with another poster that deprecation in 7.4 and removal in
7.5 might make sense.


Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Doug McNaught <doug@mcnaught.org> writes:
> I agree with another poster that deprecation in 7.4 and removal in
> 7.5 might make sense.

How would we "deprecate" it exactly?  Throw a NOTICE?
        regards, tom lane

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Doug McNaught
Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:

> Doug McNaught <doug@mcnaught.org> writes:
> > I agree with another poster that deprecation in 7.4 and removal in
> > 7.5 might make sense.
> How would we "deprecate" it exactly?  Throw a NOTICE?

I was thinking of just a mention in the release notes that we've found
this problem and intend to fix it after giving people a release cycle
to adjust.  Not that people read release notes...  :(


Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andreas Pflug
Tom Lane wrote:

>Doug McNaught <doug@mcnaught.org> writes:
>>I agree with another poster that deprecation in 7.4 and removal in
>>7.5 might make sense.
>How would we "deprecate" it exactly?  Throw a NOTICE?
Good question. A NOTICE just might be ignored, breaking everything 
"surprisingly" in 7.5.

To speak a bit more general, how about some sort of "deprecation 
checker" setting, if set to true anything marked as deprecated will 
throw an error, if false only a notice will be generated. This would 
enable users to check their existing stuff for future compatibility 
before it's broken in the next release.


Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andrew Dunstan
Tom Lane wrote:

>Doug McNaught <doug@mcnaught.org> writes:
>>I agree with another poster that deprecation in 7.4 and removal in
>>7.5 might make sense.
>How would we "deprecate" it exactly?  Throw a NOTICE?
Release notes, I guess. A NOTICE would be fine as long as it didn't 
result in a flood of them. If that happened once at parse time that 
should be fine, I think.

What's the practice in deprecating other "features"?



Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Andrew Dunstan <andrew@dunslane.net> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> How would we "deprecate" it exactly?  Throw a NOTICE?
> Release notes, I guess. A NOTICE would be fine as long as it didn't 
> result in a flood of them. If that happened once at parse time that 
> should be fine, I think.

It would be relatively difficult to do that; given the way plpgsql is
structured, a runtime message would be a lot easier.

> What's the practice in deprecating other "features"?

We generally don't ;-).  Certainly 7.4 contains bigger incompatible
changes than this one, and so have most of our prior releases.
        regards, tom lane

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andrew Dunstan
Tom Lane wrote:

>Andrew Dunstan <andrew@dunslane.net> writes:
>>What's the practice in deprecating other "features"?
>We generally don't ;-).  Certainly 7.4 contains bigger incompatible
>changes than this one, and so have most of our prior releases.
I thought I had seen discussions along the lines of "we'll give them one 
cycle to fix it and then they are shot".

It does seem very late in this cycle to make such changes.



Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Manfred Koizar
On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:40:32 -0400, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
>4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>   will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>   in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>   none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>   create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>   fashion.)

I vote for 4.  And - being fully aware of similar proposals having
failed miserably - I propose to proceed as follows:

If the current behaviour is considered a bug, let i=4, else let i=5.

In 7.i:  Create a new GUC variable "plpgsql_strict_boolean" (silly
name, I know) in the "VERSION/PLATFORM COMPATIBILITY" section of
postgresql.conf.  Make the new behaviour dependent on this variable.
Default plpgsql_strict_boolean to false.  Place a warning into the
release notes and maybe into the plpgsql documentation.

In 7.j, j>i:  Change the default value of plpgsql_strict_boolean to
true.  Issue WARNINGs or NOTICEs as appropriate.  Update

In 7.k, k>j:  Remove old behaviour and GUC variable.  Update


Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:40:32 -0400, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
> wrote:
>> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>> fashion.)

> I vote for 4.

I'm willing to do that.

> And - being fully aware of similar proposals having
> failed miserably - I propose to proceed as follows:

> If the current behaviour is considered a bug, let i=4, else let i=5.

> In 7.i:  Create a new GUC variable "plpgsql_strict_boolean" (silly
> name, I know) in the "VERSION/PLATFORM COMPATIBILITY" section of
> postgresql.conf.  Make the new behaviour dependent on this variable.
> Default plpgsql_strict_boolean to false.  Place a warning into the
> release notes and maybe into the plpgsql documentation.

> In 7.j, j>i:  Change the default value of plpgsql_strict_boolean to
> true.  Issue WARNINGs or NOTICEs as appropriate.  Update
> documentation.

> In 7.k, k>j:  Remove old behaviour and GUC variable.  Update
> documentation.

I'm not willing to do that much work for what is, in the greater scheme
of things, a tiny change.  If we did that for every user-visible change,
our rate of forward progress would be a mere fraction of what it is.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

"Richard Hall"
Define the language! If it breaks code, so be it. <p><b>2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return
boolean.</b><br/>Yes, yes, absolutely. <p>By definition "an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression" <br
/>SO<br />    if "some stupid piece of text" THEN <br />should not compile, there is no BOOLEAN expression. <p>C's
implementationof hat is true and false has always, IMHO, been hideous. But then again, I am a Pascal kind of thinker.
<br/>An integer with a value of 1 is still only an integer, <br />    IF I <> 0 THEN ... <br />is clear and
un-ambiguous.<br />  <br />  <p>Tom Lane wrote: <blockquote type="CITE">Following up this gripe <br /><a
/>I'verealized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression <br />of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean
expression. It <br />doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert <br />the value if it's not the
case. This seems pretty bogus to me. <p>However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes <br
/>anynonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes <br />any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I
fearthat people may actually be <br />depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is <br />pretty
reasonableif you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw <br />an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm
afraidof breaking people's <br />function definitions. <p>Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of
difficulty<br />to implement: <p>1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior). <p>2. Throw an error
ifthe expression doesn't return boolean. <p>3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method <br
/>  for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a <br />   string and feed it to bool's input proc. 
(Thisseems unlikely to <br />   avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most <br />   consistent
withother parts of plpgsql.) <p>4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans <br />   will be
acceptedin exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted <br />   in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as
CASE). (By default, <br />   none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could <br />   create casts
toboolean to override this behavior in a controlled <br />   fashion.) <p>Any opinions about what to do?
<p>                       regards, tom lane <p>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
<br/>TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate <br />      subscribe-nomail command to
majordomo@postgresql.orgso that your <br />      message can get through to the mailing list cleanly</blockquote> 

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Jan Wieck

Tom Lane wrote:

> Following up this gripe
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql/2003-09/msg00044.php
> I've realized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression
> of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression.  It
> doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert
> the value if it's not the case.  This seems pretty bogus to me.
> However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes
> any nonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes
> any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I fear that people may actually be
> depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is
> pretty reasonable if you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw
> an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm afraid of breaking people's
> function definitions.
> Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
> to implement:
> 1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).
> 2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.

ERROR is the cleanest way, but I'd vote for conversion to boolean to 
keep the damage within reason.


> 3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>    for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>    string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>    avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>    consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)
> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>    will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>    in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>    none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>    create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>    fashion.)
> Any opinions about what to do?
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> ERROR is the cleanest way, but I'd vote for conversion to boolean to 
> keep the damage within reason.

Which style of conversion did you like?  These were the choices:

>> 3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>> for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>> string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>> avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>> consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)
>> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>> fashion.)

At this point I'm kinda leaning to #4, because (for example) people
could create a cast from integer to boolean to avoid having to fix their
plpgsql functions right away.  #3 would not offer any configurability of
        regards, tom lane

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Andrew Dunstan
Tom Lane wrote:

>>>4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>>>will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>>>in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>>>none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>>>create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>At this point I'm kinda leaning to #4, because (for example) people
>could create a cast from integer to boolean to avoid having to fix their
>plpgsql functions right away.  #3 would not offer any configurability of
Won't people have to analyse their functions to find out what sort of 
casts they need to create? If so, why don't they just fix the functions 
while they are about it? Surely the fixes in most cases will be quite 
trivial, and in all cases backwards compatible.

Does anyone have a take on how many people would be affected? Or how 
much they would be affected?



Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Bruce Momjian
Tom Lane wrote:
> Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> > On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 11:40:32 -0400, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
> > wrote:
> >> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
> >> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
> >> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
> >> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
> >> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
> >> fashion.)
> > I vote for 4.
> I'm willing to do that.

OK, what release should we do this?

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

"R. van Twisk"
I would suggest to throw a error, or at least a warning.

This will FORCE people to program in the correct way.

I also thought that 'IF $1 THEN ...' should work ok but giving it a other
thought it's indeed stuped to write that way (I'm from the C world...)


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-sql-owner@postgresql.org]Namens Tom Lane
Verzonden: maandag 8 september 2003 17:41
Aan: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org; pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
Onderwerp: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Following up this gripe
I've realized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression
of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression.  It
doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert
the value if it's not the case.  This seems pretty bogus to me.

However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes
any nonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes
any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I fear that people may actually be
depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is
pretty reasonable if you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw
an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm afraid of breaking people's
function definitions.

Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
to implement:

1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).

2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.

3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method  for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's
outputproc to get a  string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to  avoid throwing an error in very
manycases, but it'd be the most  consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)

4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans  will be accepted in exactly the same cases where
they'dbe accepted  in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,  none are, so this isn't really
differentfrom #2.  But people could  create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled  fashion.)

Any opinions about what to do?
        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate     subscribe-nomail command to
majordomo@postgresql.orgso that your     message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Jan Wieck

Tom Lane wrote:
> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
>> ERROR is the cleanest way, but I'd vote for conversion to boolean to 
>> keep the damage within reason.
> Which style of conversion did you like?  These were the choices:
>>> 3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>>> for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>>> string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>>> avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>>> consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)
>>> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>>> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>>> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>>> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>>> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>>> fashion.)
> At this point I'm kinda leaning to #4, because (for example) people
> could create a cast from integer to boolean to avoid having to fix their
> plpgsql functions right away.  #3 would not offer any configurability of
> behavior.

Agreed - #4.

Thinking of the problem about deprication of features and transition 
time, it would be nice for this kind of compatibility breaking changes 
to have a _per database_ config option that controls old vs. new 
behaviour, wouldn't it? Don't know exactly how you'd like that to be. 
Maybe with a pg_config catalog that inherits default settings from 
template1 but can then be changed in every database. This would even 
include the possibility to *switch* one single prod database back to the 
old behaviour in case the supposedly cleaned up application isn't as 
clean as supposed to.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Bruce Momjian
Where are we on this --- we all decided on #4.  Does this just require
an announcment in the release notes.

(I need to complete the release notes soon.)


Tom Lane wrote:
> Following up this gripe
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql/2003-09/msg00044.php
> I've realized that plpgsql just assumes that the test expression
> of an IF, WHILE, or EXIT statement is a boolean expression.  It
> doesn't take any measures to ensure this is the case or convert
> the value if it's not the case.  This seems pretty bogus to me.
> However ... with the code as it stands, for pass-by-reference datatypes
> any nonnull value will appear TRUE, while for pass-by-value datatypes
> any nonzero value will appear TRUE.  I fear that people may actually be
> depending on these behaviors, particularly the latter one which is
> pretty reasonable if you're accustomed to C.  So while I'd like to throw
> an error if the argument isn't boolean, I'm afraid of breaking people's
> function definitions.
> Here are some possible responses, roughly in order of difficulty
> to implement:
> 1. Leave well enough alone (and perhaps document the behavior).
> 2. Throw an error if the expression doesn't return boolean.
> 3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>    for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>    string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>    avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>    consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)
> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>    will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>    in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>    none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>    create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>    fashion.)
> Any opinions about what to do?
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us> writes:
> Where are we on this --- we all decided on #4.  Does this just require
> an announcment in the release notes.

I haven't done anything about it --- been busy with other stuff, and I
wasn't sure we'd agreed to change it for 7.4 anyway.  I'm willing to
make the code change though.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to boolean

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>>> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>>> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>>> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>>> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>>> fashion.)

> Agreed - #4.

My first attempt at doing this failed to pass the regression tests,
because it wasn't prepared for this:
   if count(*) = 0 from Room where roomno = new.roomno then       raise exception ''Room % does not exist'',
new.roomno;  end if;

Is this really intended to be a feature?  It manages to work because
plpgsql simply sticks "SELECT " in front of whatever appears between
IF and THEN, and passes the result to the main SQL engine.  But it sure
surprised the heck out of me.  The documentation gives no hint that
you're allowed to write anything but a straight boolean expression in IF.
Does Oracle allow that sort of thing?

I would be inclined to think that a more reasonable expression of the
intent would be
   if (select count(*) from Room where roomno = new.roomno) = 0 then

Certainly we'd have a big problem supporting the existing coding if we
ever reimplement plpgsql with more awareness of what expressions are.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:

> Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>>> 4. Use the parser's coerce_to_boolean procedure, so that nonbooleans
>>>> will be accepted in exactly the same cases where they'd be accepted
>>>> in a boolean-requiring SQL construct (such as CASE).  (By default,
>>>> none are, so this isn't really different from #2.  But people could
>>>> create casts to boolean to override this behavior in a controlled
>>>> fashion.)
>> Agreed - #4.
> My first attempt at doing this failed to pass the regression tests,
> because it wasn't prepared for this:
>     if count(*) = 0 from Room where roomno = new.roomno then
>         raise exception ''Room % does not exist'', new.roomno;
>     end if;
> Is this really intended to be a feature?  It manages to work because
> plpgsql simply sticks "SELECT " in front of whatever appears between
> IF and THEN, and passes the result to the main SQL engine.  But it sure
> surprised the heck out of me.  The documentation gives no hint that
> you're allowed to write anything but a straight boolean expression in IF.
> Does Oracle allow that sort of thing?

I have to admit it was less an intention than more a side effect of the 
actual implementation. It was so easy to simply stick "SELECT " in front 
of "everything between IF and THEN" and expect the result to be a boolean.

In the same way you can do
    varname := count(*) from Room where roomno = new.roomno;

which is straight forward because it's simply sticking "SELECT " in 
front of "everything between := and ;". Well, this does a bit more in 
that it tries the typinput(typoutput(result)) casting hack ... I know 
that you don't like that one.

> I would be inclined to think that a more reasonable expression of the
> intent would be
>     if (select count(*) from Room where roomno = new.roomno) = 0 then
> Certainly we'd have a big problem supporting the existing coding if we
> ever reimplement plpgsql with more awareness of what expressions are.

Without parsing much, much more, and finally parsing basically the whole 
SQL grammar in the PL/pgSQL parser, I don't see how you can do that.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to

Tom Lane
Jan Wieck <JanWieck@Yahoo.com> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> if count(*) = 0 from Room where roomno = new.roomno then
>> raise exception ''Room % does not exist'', new.roomno;
>> end if;
>> Is this really intended to be a feature?

> I have to admit it was less an intention than more a side effect of the 
> actual implementation. It was so easy to simply stick "SELECT " in front 
> of "everything between IF and THEN" and expect the result to be a boolean.

Sure, it was easy given a certain implementation technique.  Question
is, do we want to consider it a supported feature even if it makes the
implementation hard?

> In the same way you can do
>      varname := count(*) from Room where roomno = new.roomno;

This actually doesn't bother me; I see it as simply a variant syntax
for SELECT INTO.  (Perhaps it should be documented that way.)

If we want to preserve this behavior for IF et al, I don't think there
is any practical way to apply SQL-level type coercion as I had wanted.
We could instead make the code act like it's assigning to a plpgsql
boolean variable --- but it will apply plpgsql's textual conversion
methods, not SQL type coercion.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [SQL] plpgsql doesn't coerce boolean expressions to

Tom Lane
I said:
> If we want to preserve this behavior for IF et al, I don't think there
> is any practical way to apply SQL-level type coercion as I had wanted.
> We could instead make the code act like it's assigning to a plpgsql
> boolean variable --- but it will apply plpgsql's textual conversion
> methods, not SQL type coercion.

I have now written and tested the patch for this --- it's doing what I
originally called option 3:

>>> 3. Try to convert nonbooleans to boolean using plpgsql's usual method
>>> for cross-type coercion, ie run the type's output proc to get a
>>> string and feed it to bool's input proc.  (This seems unlikely to
>>> avoid throwing an error in very many cases, but it'd be the most
>>> consistent with other parts of plpgsql.)

Unless someone objects, I'll commit this.
        regards, tom lane