Обсуждение: New SQL standard ...


New SQL standard ...

"Marc G. Fournier"
Looking at the web site:

SQL:2003 Documents New!!!
This set of files represents an almost indistinuishable delta on the
actual SQL 2003 standard. In a few months, the INCITS website will post
the SQL 2003 standard for purchase

is this the same as what we talk about as SQL3??

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 14:43:59 -0500
From: Kenneth Andresen <kandresen@gmx.net>
To: scrappy@hub.org
Subject: New SQL standard

Hello Marc,
It is a new SQL standard soon to be released, and it seems to be animportant standard this time, unlike those from 95
and99. KnowingPostgreSQL is the database best conforming to the SQL standards, Iassume you already are aware of this
newISO/ANSI SQL standard,anyway, you might be interested in downloading the latest draft
If you already had the draft, please ignore my e-mail.

Best regards,Kenneth                          mailto:kandresen@gmx.net

Re: New SQL standard ...

Tom Lane
"Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy@hub.org> writes:
> SQL:2003 Documents New!!!
> This set of files represents an almost indistinuishable delta on the
> actual SQL 2003 standard. In a few months, the INCITS website will post
> the SQL 2003 standard for purchase

> is this the same as what we talk about as SQL3??

No, I think people have been calling it SQL 200X.  SQL3 was a precursor
to the SQL99 spec, IIRC.
        regards, tom lane