Обсуждение: Re: 7.4: CHAR padding inconsistency


Re: 7.4: CHAR padding inconsistency

Troels Arvin
(I already responded to Bruce, but the response seems to be stuck in some
mailing list, waiting for approval. Trying again:)

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 14:50:24 -0500, on the BUGS-liste, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> Anyway, what did you want it to output?  "AAA       hey"?  We could do
> that, but I assume most people wouldn't expect that output?

I certainly depends on their background. Personally, the padding
characteristics of the CHAR type was one of the first things about SQL
that I learned (the hard way). Oracle and DB2 people should be used to
PostgreSQL's old behaviour.

The CHAR type may seem strange to some, but they may then just

> How do other databases handle this?

I've started writing about it here:

Some of my test-material is also online:

My summary:

With regard to CHAR-handling, PostgreSQL 7.4 is now in opposition to- previous versions of PostgreSQL; bad enough on
itsown,  because there doesn't seem to have been a good discussion  about it first - I can only find a few messages
aboutit [1]- DB2- Oracle- MSSQL (which also behaves in a non-standard way,  but different from PostgreSQL 7.4)
7.4 is close to how MySQL works, though.

I'm sorry about not testing this before 7.4 went gold, but I believe that
this is a bug which should be corrected before too much confusion
is created.

Reference 1:
An interesting one is this one:

Greetings from Troels Arvin, Copenhagen, Denmark