<pre><pre> when i see the source codes in the bin directory,i find some very interesting codes:</pre><pre>cat
<<EOF<br/><strong>\.</strong><br /> INSERT INTO pg_description SELECT \<br /> t.objoid, c.oid, t.objsubid,
t.description\<br /> FROM tmp_pg_description t, pg_class c WHERE c.relname = t.classname;<br />EOF<br />) \<br /> |
"$PGPATH"/postgres$PGSQL_OPT template1 > /dev/null || exit_nicely<br />echo "ok"</pre><pre>There is "\." and when i
deletethe dot following the '\',i still can run this shell.I am afraid</pre><pre>if it is not necessary
here??</pre></pre>========================== 263电子邮件-信赖邮自专业