Hi Tom,
Sorry for sending this email through a public list. As you can, I think,
understand, I am not able to send you mail directly.
Whenever I try to send you mail directly, I get a bounce like so:
>The original message was received at Mon, 26 Jan 2004 02:41:59 +0200
>from line102-130.adsl.actcom.co.il []
> ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> (reason: 550 5.0.0 Go away, spammer)
> ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>... while talking to sss.pgh.pa.us.:
>>>>>>> MAIL From:<psql@shemesh.biz>
><<< 550 5.0.0 Go away, spammer
>554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
Now, I know that certain black holes black list certain addresses. I can
even accept that somewhere, sometimes, someone sent spam through some
server I'm currently using. As things stand, however, it is impossible
for me to do anything about it. For me to be able to do something about
it, I need at least the following details (and common sense dictates
that they should be in the bounce I got):
1. What IP is black listed?
2. What spam blocking service is black listinging this IP?
I would appretiate it if you could help me out with this, or at least
forward this request to your mail admin.
Many thanks, Shachar
Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Systems Consulting