Обсуждение: Re: [GENERAL] Large DB


Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Manfred Koizar
[time to move this to -hackers]

On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 11:16:21 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
>> The first step, however, (acquire_sample_rows() in analyze.c) has to
>> read more rows than finally end up in the sample.  It visits less than
>> O(nblocks) pages but certainly more than O(1).
>> A vague feeling tries to tell me that the number of page reads is
>> somehow related to the harmonic numbers 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n, which
>> grow like O(ln(n)).
>Good guess.  Vitter's paper says the expected time to sample n rows from
>a table of size N is O(n * (1 + log(N/n))).

Well, for what I tried to find out my wild guess seems to be wrong.

I don't doubt that Vitter's formula is correct, but it assumes that
access to any tuple has the same cost.  This does not apply to our
problem, however.  With 100 tuples per page, we access the first
sample_size tuples at a cost of 0.01 sequential page reads per tuple.
Later we use less and less tuples per page which results in higher
per-tuple-cost.  Near the end of a large relation we can expect to
access only one tuple per page and more and more pages are skipped, so
that prefetching doesn't help any more.

Playing around with some real numbers (for 100 tuples/page and a sample
size of 3000) I got:

     rel  | page
     size | reads
       30 |    30
      300 |   300    expectation is something like 299.9995
      500 |   499
       1K |   990
       3K |  2.6K
      30K |    8K
     100K |   12K
       1M |   19K
      10M |   26K
     100M |   33K

This growth rate is steeper than O(log(nblocks)).

>> I have an idea how this could be done with O(1) page reads.

What I have in mind is a kind of "Double Vitter" algorithm.  Whatever we
do to get our sample of rows, in the end the sampled rows come from no
more than sample_size different blocks.  So my idea is to first create a
random sample of sample_size block numbers, and then to sample the rows
out of this pool of blocks.

I have to think harder though, what to do about those 400 pages that are
not accessed when the sample size is 3000 ...

>The hard part is getting a genuinely random sample when we don't know N
>in advance.  We do however know the table size in blocks, so if you're
>willing to make assumptions about constant tuple density you could do
>something different.  (But the tuple density assumption is exactly the
>weak spot of what we've got, so I'm unconvinced that would be a big step

Starting the scan at some random blocks should help against the common
case of unusual distribution of dead tuples near the start of the
relation.  And I plan to factor information about dead tuple hits into
an increasingly better estimation of dead/live tuple ratio.


Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> What I have in mind is a kind of "Double Vitter" algorithm.  Whatever we
> do to get our sample of rows, in the end the sampled rows come from no
> more than sample_size different blocks.  So my idea is to first create a
> random sample of sample_size block numbers, and then to sample the rows
> out of this pool of blocks.

That assumption is faulty, though --- consider wholly-empty pages.

A bigger problem is that this makes the sampling quite nonuniform,
because rows that are on relatively low-density pages would be more
likely to become part of the final sample than rows that are on pages
with lots of tuples.  Thus for example your sample would tend to favor
rows with wide values of variable-width columns and exclude narrower
values.  (I am not certain that the existing algorithm completely avoids
this trap, but at least it tries.)
        regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Manfred Koizar
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:48:13 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
>> What I have in mind is a kind of "Double Vitter" algorithm.  [...]
>> random sample of sample_size block numbers, and then to sample the rows
>> out of this pool of blocks.
>That assumption is faulty, though --- consider wholly-empty pages.
>A bigger problem is that this makes the sampling quite nonuniform,
>because rows that are on relatively low-density pages would be more
>likely to become part of the final sample than rows that are on pages
>with lots of tuples.

This sounds like you are assuming that I want to take exactly one tuple
out of each block of the block sample.  This is not the case.  In the
second round I plan to apply the same (or a better) Vitter method as it
is done now.  The main difference is that blocks will be adressed
indirectly through the array of block numbers obtained in the first

>  Thus for example your sample would tend to favor
>rows with wide values of variable-width columns and exclude narrower
>values.  (I am not certain that the existing algorithm completely avoids
>this trap, but at least it tries.)

I'm reading 7.4 source code and I fail to see how it does this.  If the
relation starts with an atypical distribution of wide/narrow or
dead/alive tuples, a wrong value for tuplesperpage is used for the rest
of the sampling.

Tuples immediately following one or more dead tuples have a better
chance of being selected.  This may be called as random as anything else
and not favouring a special property.  OTOH after long runs of dead
tuples consecutive tuples are likely to be selected.

Your comment about nonuniformity above exactly describes the current
algorithm:  Once the initial sample is fetched and tuplesperpage is
determined, targpos is computed without any further feedback.  If
targpos points to a sparsely populated area (with wide tuples or with
many dead tuples) tuples in this area are more likely to get into the
sample than tuples in densely populated areas (with many small active

I think that cutting down the number of blocks to be looked at does not
affect these problems.


Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
> On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 14:48:13 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> A bigger problem is that this makes the sampling quite nonuniform,
>> because rows that are on relatively low-density pages would be more
>> likely to become part of the final sample than rows that are on pages
>> with lots of tuples.

> This sounds like you are assuming that I want to take exactly one tuple
> out of each block of the block sample.  This is not the case.

No, I understood that you wanted to resample, but [ ... thinks for
awhile ... ] hmm, now I can't construct a failure case either.  I must
have done the math wrong before.

There's still a risk of not being able to collect N rows out of N
blocks, if you are unfortunate enough to select a lot of wholly-empty
pages.  But that seems like a low-probability scenario; besides such a
table would be so desperately in need of VACUUM FULL that the possible
low quality of the stats hardly matters.

You should not need to use the Vitter algorithm for the block-level
selection, since you can know the number of blocks in the table in
advance.  You can just use the traditional method of choosing each block
or not with probability (k/K), where k = number of sample blocks still
needed, K = number of blocks from here to the end.  You'd run the Vitter
algorithm separately to decide whether to keep or discard each live row
you find in the blocks you read.

I do like this, since it eliminates the current method's bias towards
estimating the number of live rows from the density found near the start
of the table only.  At the end you'd know the total number of live rows
on all the pages you read, and it's reasonable to extrapolate that total
to the full table size.

Question: if the table size is less than N blocks, are you going to read
every block or try to reduce the number of blocks sampled?  If you don't
adjust the sample size then I think this would perform worse for
intermediate-size tables than the current method does ... perhaps not so
much at sample size = 3000, but at larger sizes it would hurt.  A lot of
people are setting the stats target to 100 which means a sample size of
30000 --- how do the page-access counts look in that case?
        regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Manfred Koizar
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 18:06:12 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>You should not need to use the Vitter algorithm for the block-level
>selection, since you can know the number of blocks in the table in
>advance.  You can just use the traditional method of choosing each block
>or not with probability (k/K), where k = number of sample blocks still
>needed, K = number of blocks from here to the end.

Sounds reasonable.  I have to play around a bit more to get a feeling
where the Vitter method gets more efficient.

>  You'd run the Vitter
>algorithm separately to decide whether to keep or discard each live row
>you find in the blocks you read.

You mean once a block is sampled we inspect it in any case?  This was
not the way I had planned to do it, but I'll keep this idea in mind.

>Question: if the table size is less than N blocks, are you going to read
>every block or try to reduce the number of blocks sampled?

Don't know yet.

>people are setting the stats target to 100 which means a sample size of
>30000 --- how do the page-access counts look in that case?
    rel  | page    size | reads   ------+-------------     300 |   300    3000 |  3000    5000 |  4999     10K |  9.9K
  30K |  25.8K    300K |   85K      1M |  120K     10M |  190K    100M |  260K      1G |  330K

This is exactly the table I posted before (for sample size 3000) with
every entry multiplied by 10.  Well, not quite exactly, but the
differences are far behind the decimal point.  So for our purposes, for
a given relation size the number of pages accessed is proportional to
the sample size.


Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Tom Lane
Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at> writes:
>> You'd run the Vitter
>> algorithm separately to decide whether to keep or discard each live row
>> you find in the blocks you read.

> You mean once a block is sampled we inspect it in any case?  This was
> not the way I had planned to do it, but I'll keep this idea in mind.

Well, once we've gone to the trouble of reading in a block we
definitely want to count the tuples in it, for the purposes of
extrapolating the total number of tuples in the relation.  Given
that, I think the most painless route is simply to use the Vitter
algorithm with the number-of-tuples-scanned as the count variable.
You could dump the logic in acquire_sample_rows that tries to estimate
where to read the N'th tuple from.

If you like I can send you the Vitter paper off-list (I have a PDF of
it).  The comments in the code are not really intended to teach someone
what it's good for ...
        regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Large DB

Manfred Koizar
On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 19:57:47 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>If you like I can send you the Vitter paper off-list (I have a PDF of
>it).  The comments in the code are not really intended to teach someone
>what it's good for ...

Yes, please.  [Would have sent this off-list.  But I'm blacklisted.]
