Обсуждение: [Fwd: [Announce] AUUG announces Code Con 2004]


[Fwd: [Announce] AUUG announces Code Con 2004]

Christopher Kings-Lynne
Any Australian hackers interested in this?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Announce] AUUG announces Code Con 2004
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 23:41:12 +1000
From: David Purdue <david.purdue@auug.org.au>
Organization: AUUG Incorporated
To: announce@lists.linux.org.au

NOTE: Linux Australia members may attend this Code Con for the AUUG
member price.

What is a Code Con?  It is a low cost conference for hackers and
technology enthusiasts, with a focus on developers doing presentations
of working code, rather than on companies with products to sell.

What is AUUG Code Con 2004? It is a Code Con being organised by Peter
Miller (author of Aegis, Cook, and a bunch of other open source tools),
to be held on the NSW Central Coast on the weekend of 17-19 September 2004.

Think of it as a retreat for coders, or, as Peter puts it, "Open Air
Open Source".

Open Air? That's right - the venue is the campsite at beautiful Frazer
Beach - a 2 hour drive North of Sydney.

This is a great chance to get away from it all (and we mean "all"), to
kick back with fellow developers and spend two nights yakking and hacking.

Interested? Then check the web site:


and download the flyer:


and fill in the rego form (page 2 of the flyer) and send it in.

As I said above, Code Con's are meant to be cheap, and this one is $50
for AUUG members and $55 for others. But! But, if you are a member of
Linux Australia or SAGE-AU, you may claim the AUUG member price.

So get in quick - the camp site is small so spaces are definitely limited!


David Purdue, President
AUUG Incorporated
Ph: +61 2 8824 9511;  Fax: +61 2 8824 9522;  mailto:david.purdue@auug.org.au

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