Обсуждение: Re: [PATCHES] pgxs default installation + various fixes


Re: [PATCHES] pgxs default installation + various fixes

Dear Tom, dear Peter,

> By my count it adds about 2 megabytes to the installed footprint, which
> perhaps is not so much now as it was at the time.

Ok. I agree. I'm investigating on how to do that, and the choice will be
to committers.

> A larger problem from my point of view is that the installation process
> seems quite inefficient.  "make install-all-headers" takes a full minute
> on my devel machine, which is above my threshold of pain for something
> that I often do more than once a day.

As I'm into these files, I can say that one of the reason for that is that
the shell scripts in the makefile looks inefficient, with nested for-loops
and one-at-a-time config/install-sh forked-script copies for 350 header
files, on the 971 files of a standard installation.

I guess it a deliberate portability choice that only standard shell and
file wildcards are used. I'm not sure there is a simple and *portable*
performance fix on the installation.

Some files are copied more that once: for instance, pg_config.h is copied
both in include/ and include/server, and there are others examples file
that. In fact, all files and directories under include/ but include/server
seems also copied into include/server. It seems to be a 200KB and 28 files
replication. Not really big deal, but not really clean either.

If there is only one installation target which includes all header files,
ISTM that the include/server subdirectory does not make much sense
anymore? On the other hand, it might help packagers to have a clear list
of the use of all headers files, in order that they can figure out where
they belong to.


Fabien Coelho - coelho@cri.ensmp.fr