Обсуждение: double error msg [ 8.0 rc1 ]


double error msg [ 8.0 rc1 ]

G u i d o B a r o s i o
Dear all,
  Found a similar message on the archives, but from 2 years ago, and not too much about this.

(8.0 rc1 the guilty one)

guido=# \d test1                         Table "public.test1"Column |  Type   |                      Modifiers
--------+---------+------------------------------------------------------a      | integer | not null default
nextval('public.test1_a_seq'::text)b     | integer | 
Tablespace: "dbspace1"

guido=# insert into test1 (b) values (1);
INSERT 17246 1
guido=# insert into test1 (b) values (b);
ERROR:  column "b" does not exist
ERROR:  column "b" does not exist

2 ERROR msg's. 

Cause I didn't seen a previous discussion about this, I guess that this could be a 'particularly only me' problem. The
pointcames more strange if I grant that on previous releases (7.4.x) the error msg didn't came to me twice a time.

A direction for this one would be apreciated, a where to look at. 

Thanks in advance.


Re: double error msg [ 8.0 rc1 ]

Christopher Kings-Lynne
> ERROR:  column "b" does not exist
> ERROR:  column "b" does not exist
> 2 ERROR msg's. 
> Cause I didn't seen a previous discussion about this, I guess that this could be a 'particularly only me' problem.
Thepoint cames more strange if I grant that on previous releases (7.4.x) the error msg didn't came to me twice a time.
> A direction for this one would be apreciated, a where to look at. 

Sure you're not running psql output and postgres output on the same 


Re: double error msg [ 8.0 rc1 ]

Tom Lane
G u i d o B a r o s i o <gbarosio@uolsinectis.com.ar> writes:
> guido=# insert into test1 (b) values (b);
> ERROR:  column "b" does not exist
> ERROR:  column "b" does not exist

> 2 ERROR msg's. 

The postmaster's stderr is pointed at your terminal, so you're getting
the postmaster log output in addition to what psql prints.
        regards, tom lane