Обсуждение: How to get trigger oid by trigger name


How to get trigger oid by trigger name

rafaqat ali
Hello All        Can any one tell me how can I get triggerOid from triggerName
in c code. I first tried to use SearchSysCache Function but it does
not search o the basis of triggername.

Re: How to get trigger oid by trigger name

Satoshi Nagayasu
I'm using systable_beginscan() with TriggerConstrNameIndex
and systable_getnext().

BTW, which value are you using as the cacheId
when you call SearchSysCache() for pg_trigger?

I couldn't find a suitable value in syscache.h.

rafaqat ali wrote:
> Hello All
>          Can any one tell me how can I get triggerOid from triggerName
> in c code. I first tried to use SearchSysCache Function but it does
> not search o the basis of triggername.
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NAGAYASU Satoshi <nagayasus@nttdata.co.jp>
OpenSource Development Center,
NTT DATA Corp. http://www.nttdata.co.jp/