Обсуждение: How to insert the values of .sql file (dump file) into postgresql 8.1


How to insert the values of .sql file (dump file) into postgresql 8.1

"sai srujan"
 Hi....<br />              This is srujan and I am beginner of postgresql 8.1 and I have just stopped using mysql and i
wouldlike to use the dump (.sql file)<br />created in it. I would like transfer the databases in my sql to postgresql
8.1.Please do reply. I am waiting for it.<br /> Thanks in Advance<br /><br /> 

Re: How to insert the values of .sql file (dump file) into postgresql 8.1

"A. Kretschmer"
In response to sai srujan :
>  Hi....
>               This is srujan and I am beginner of postgresql 8.1 and I have
> just stopped using mysql and i would like to use the dump (.sql file)
> created in it. I would like transfer the databases in my sql to postgresql 8.1.
> Please do reply. I am waiting for it.
> Thanks in Advance

You can try to import your dump with psql -f <your_file>, but maybe you
need to edit the file to change the syntax to postgresql-compatible.

You can also use some tools to convert from mysql to postgresql, read
the links below:

09:44 < pg_docbot_adz> http://sql-info.de/mysql/gotchas.html :: http://www.raditha.com/mysql/mysql2pgsql.php ::
            http://www.in-nomine.org/~asmodai/mysql-to-pgsql.html :: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/mysql2pgsql/ ::
09:44 < pg_docbot_adz> http://www.data-conversions.net/products.php?prod_num=5&&dest=MENU&&ID=200 ::
http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?25,93181,93181::                      http://www.postgresql.org/docs/techdocs.83 ::
09:44 < pg_docbot_adz> http://pgfoundry.org/projects/mysqlcompat ::
09:44 < pg_docbot_adz> http://mike.kruckenberg.com/archives/2006/07/jim_starkey_int_1.html

Some of the links are appropriate for you, it is the output from the
irc-docbot about mysql.

HTH, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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