Обсуждение: Kudos on v8.4dev


Kudos on v8.4dev

"Eric B. Ridge"
I just wanted to give you guys a virtual pat on the back for PG  
v8.4dev.  I've been out of the computer world for a little over a year  
and we're still using v8.1 here where I work, so I'm a little behind  
the changes timeline since v8.1, but v8.4 is looking very nice.

I'm working on migrating a 200G database (with large full text  
records) from a 3rd-party database system in 8.4dev as a proof of  
concept for using PG for everything, and so far things are great.   
Just the improvement in error message detail (esp. syntax errors WRT  
malformed data) is huge.  I can't wait to get into all the other fancy  
stuff 8.4 has to offer.

Hopefully it'll be released around the same time I've sold the PHB's  
on my POC.

I'm going to be using 8.4dev for the next month or more, so if there's  
anything y'all would like feedback on, especially regarding multi- 
gigabyte databases w/ full text, I'll be happy to provide it.

Keep up the great work!
