Обсуждение: One click installer and pgInstaller collide


One click installer and pgInstaller collide

"Dann Corbit"
If you install with the PostgreSQL group's installer for Windows:

And then install a second instance of PostgreSQL using the EnterpriseDB
one click installer:

An error may occur.  It will occur, probably, either with one system or
the other.
The PG Admin III produce uses a DLL called libiconv-2.dll
One of these DLL files has an entry point called
libiconv_set_relocation_prefix and the other one does not.

When you reference the DLL file, it will complain about an entry point
that could not be located.

It is probably a fairly esoteric issue, since most people (if they
install multiple instances of a product) will install only a single
version of it.  But we support everything under the sun, so I purposely
try to install as many versions as possible for testing.

Anyway, I thought you might like to know about this odd collision.

64 bit Windows platform.
PG Installer version, installed first, was 8.3.5
EnterpriseDB version was 8.3.7
There was an error message (file in use) during installation of the
second tool set.

It is also possible that it was caused by the small step from 8.3.5 to
8.3.7 and the problem would have occurred with an upgrade using the same
version (I did not test to find out).

I do not know if this message will get to the PG group.  None of my
messages has shown up this week for some reason.

Re: One click installer and pgInstaller collide

Dave Page
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com> wrote:

> 64 bit Windows platform.
> PG Installer version, installed first, was 8.3.5
> EnterpriseDB version was 8.3.7
> There was an error message (file in use) during installation of the
> second tool set.
> It is also possible that it was caused by the small step from 8.3.5 to
> 8.3.7 and the problem would have occurred with an upgrade using the same
> version (I did not test to find out).

Both installers upgraded that file for 8.3.6, hence the difference
seen between 8.3.5 and 8.3.7.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:   http://www.enterprisedb.com